When it Rains....

Aug 10, 2005 23:33

Wow...everything that could go wrong has gone wrong since the last time I updated. Geez man, you'd think at one point it would stop for a few minutes, but sheet after sheet of rain. And for those of you who wonder what I'm talking about rain in sunny, blistering heat, California; here's what I mean.

First, started going to school again because if nothing else it was a great way to escape work even if it meant more work and I had to pay to do the work. Decided to go with history, english, math, and a 3D designing course to help blow off steam, which I meant some of the coolest geeks EVER, and everything was going fine for a person who was out of school for two years. Then, the final projects rolled around. Aced the 3d course and gave up on History. Math is a mystery to me since my teacher never sent me my grades afterwords, but the thing that I can honestly say started the really horrible rainstorm recently was when my english project came out. It was a portfolio taking two of our essays and doing a rewrite along with a cover page about our faults and the ways that we changed ourselves. 300 pts possible with extra credit if your new essays were better than the first ones that you turned in. Busted my ass for 4 days of solid rewriting and rewriting and editing. On the due day I had forgotten my floppy disk so I couldn't print up my stuff and the teacher wouldn't excuse me to run home to get it and return home. Now this shouldn't seem like a problem if it weren't for these two things: 1) You can't turn this in late and 2) this was literally if you don't turn it in, you automatically fail. WTF!

Second, I lost my previously stated job. For those of you who have heard me rant this is more of a blessing than anything. Light drizzle maybe. Apparently, not wanting to go to a sucky job is a fireable offense to these guys, but there is some good news, I can come back in a year if I apologize for my poor attendance. Personally, Six Flags and the people running that thing into the ground recently can go suck my dick for all that I care. The day I need to go back there for a job is the day I join the army.

Third, my mom has come to California for the last few months. We haven't seen her in a year since last summer and the bad news is she had been on drugs for awhile it seems. From what I can understand, my dad got on drugs and then she got on them too. She spent over a month in a mental ward and was rehabilitated, by her choice too, so good points for that. But the bad news, which is going on in the kitchen at the moment. Is a divorce between my mom and dad. And by the sound of it, ground isn't being lost, it's being blown all to hell. My dad is really making it hard for her considering, and some of you know this, he's a conniving bastard that enjoys the game of Cloak and Dagger. It's a real mess and there are times where it feels like she throws alot of her excess anger at me. But I take it because I love her and care for her and atleast now I can honestly disown my dad and his family so that they can never get anything from me anymore. If you want to know how, my dad filled out a legal seperation form and part of it is stating how many children you conceived during marriage...my name is strangely not on the list. I can say that this does give me an interesting weapon against him if he ever wants anything from me. "You want something from me dad? Well sorry, I don't exist by what you put on a legal form."

And lastly the icing on the cake. I went to AX as a staffer this year. Free everything except for merchandise and that's only because I didn't go to the raffle for the free stuff. AMV's were good, just wish I wasn't so tired for the Drama portion so that I could have given a better vote to which one was the best. Brought a TV which I thought would have been lost or stolen and just wrote it off. But I lost two things that were smaller. Two games, Front Mission 4 and Destroy all Humans! [rental] along with the two memory cards I had brought and one of them had God of War on there with one level away from beating the God mode difficulty.

On other news, the campaign is moving at a slow clip. The group keeps unintentionally hurting my feelings by saying that Alex should take over and I should just play as a PC. And this problem has only come up now, three years after the game has started and we've gained 1 psion {GROAN!} I don't know, it might be a better idea if I just resign and give up and then I think that this whole things was started by me, these players are here because of me. For the players reading this part, I will not relinquish my screen until the end credits are playing and only then when Alex's campaign starts up will I stand down.

Well, that feels alot better. It's getting late, the newest battle between my mom and dad is really heating up and I'm going to play some cool games on my new laptop before I go watch [Adult Swim].

May the Emperor's Light Shine Upon you.
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