Jun 09, 2011 19:46
So, now begins the actual wedding stuff. We take engagement pictures the week after next, and this makes me a tad nervous. Why? Let's discuss this little issue of confidence.
I've been doing more reading and working than I have been spending time on LJ, and this makes me a bit sad. I guess it's a good thing to be able to say that I've stepped away from the internets a bit more, but I really miss it. Plus, entries have been hellafied slow. I added a bunch of new communities, so that should draw me back in with a ferocity.
I have, however, been playing WOW. YEAH I SAID IT! I'm on that WOW trip now, and it's actually really gratifying not having to deal with old "friends" and trying to play along with them. That was just really awful and made everything to do with WOW frustrating. But, we're giving it a try with a clean slate, and here I am, mildly addicted.
I'm rambling! Also, I thought I had a bit of baby-rabies here recently, what with the onslaught of reading up on pregnancy and watching all kinds of things about kids. But I think that's actually helped keep it at bay. Nothing quite like someone's birth experience to put me clean the hell off from having kids. :|