Feb 08, 2005 11:08
I decided to go back to the library and borrow Judge Judy's book, "Beauty Fades, But Dumb Is Forever."
I read it before and laughed my butt off. Judge Judy doesn't mince words. She's tough, she's honest, and women should listen to her.
All around me, I see women constantly deferring to men. Judge Judy admits she even did it too until she figured out that was the wrong way to live. I see lots of women moving in with their boyfriends and then getting stuck when things don't work out. I see other women marrying men without having an education or a skill to fall back on when the divorce (w/ a 50/50
divorce rate, you'll probably end up getting one) happens. Get divorce/relationship insurance. It's called an education and a skill.
Women will rely on men for total financial support, but when the relationship ends (as nearly it always does because there's no real commitment) the women ends up broke and homeless. I've seen this happen time and time again, not with just one person, but with many. Why do you think there's something called alimony?
If a woman has a boyfriend who moves across country to say, New York, for a great job, the woman will usually follow him. This means she'll give up her job and her life to defer to a man who hasn't even committed to her. Stupid? Yep! How often will you see a man do the same for his woman? Ha!
A woman often feels it's better to have a man than to have no man at all. I don't know why, especially if there is no commitment or security involved. One big fight and he could throw her right out on the street.
I'm tired of listening to women whine about their relationships. Relationships where they live with their boyfriends and there is no real commitment involved. Usually it's the woman who gets stuck because she
has a low paying job and no assets. Boom, it's back out on the street.
The point is, never defer to men. Have something to fall back on. Find someone who is willing to make a real commtment, or kick him to the curb.
I am glad to see that not all women fall into this trap. Theyr'e the smart ones. They know better. And they're the ones reading my LJ.
*******so why did I write this? Because I'm venting out my frustrations. Judge Judy hit a nerve. Go read her book.