a year ago I was meant to write a backup fic for the Dom!Simon ficathon. And then I finally finished it today. :)
noandwhere, this one is for you. I kinda wanted to have it finally finished for your b-day as a surprise but...well... Happy late b-day and sorry it took so very very long to get this done! The prompts were Jayne/Simon, humor/laughter and romance/love. It apparently stumped me pretty hard but hopefully it's good!
It's the most sickening thing in the gorramn verse and goes against every piece of sense he'd ever thought he'd acquired. Not that whole learning schooling sense but the street sense. The one that says be tough and you'll survive for another day. The one that says you can't do things by the book because even those types of learned people don't do that. There's always a time and place where the rules are broken.
Apparently that don't just count for those what learned those rules by the book. All his better judgments are tellin' him he's a feng le hun dan for even considering this. For letting it catch his eye in the first place but even more so for taking a second look, for pulling up in front of the window and staring. Going on ten minutes now and he's still just standin' there and staring.
Ain't even sure why he rightly knows this but he thinks he remembers his ma saying it once.
I remember your pa. He was the sweetest man to anyone that treated him right and you'd best believe I treated him better than anyone. He knew how to make a girl happy, knew just what to get an' on the morning of our first anniversary he brought in the most gorgeous leather bound notebook. I used that book to record all your first baby moments. You remember that when you find yourself someone, Jayne, the first year, you get them paper and if they knows anything they'll know you love them.
He'd brushed her speech off then but he remembers it now as he stares into the little shop window. Paper the first year, cotton the second. One of those Earth-That-Was lost traditions that only a learned person or a romance fool is gonna know. Jayne ain't neither of those though he feels the second one right about now.
Ain't no tellin' what type of look he's gonna walk into if he goes back with some fancy stationary. Type of stationary you use to write home to loved ones, his ma would like it. Doc ain't got nothing like that though, what would he use it for? Weren't practical, not even a bit.
The coin he'd got on the last job is startin' to weigh heavy in his pocket and he shoves his hand in to jingle the coins. There's that gun shop just down the dusty road and he can't keep his guns up without the oil he'd come out here for. He growls frustrated under his breath and tears away from the little craft and paper shop.
He ain't no moon brained in love pantywaist.
They'll know you love them.
Dinner ain't nothing special, they eat it with the rest of the crew, just like every day. Simon don't even seem to notice the day and Jayne doesn't know why that grates on him so. Seems like Simon is all smiles tonight, though, laughing along with Kaylee and sharing in Wash's jokes. Jayne would feel a might ignored if Simon's hand weren't settled on his knee whenever the doctor isn't eating.
Jayne scowls and eats and keeps his comments to himself for once, until Simon nudges him in the side lightly.
“Stop sulking, Jayne.” Simon is grinning, the rest of the table ain't paying attention and Jayne just grits his teeth with a glare. It makes Simon frown, his ease and amusement with the night fading some. “There's something wrong?” A playfully nudging hand has turned into one that rubs comfortingly against Jayne's hip.
He shrugs and turns his gaze down to his food. “Ain't nothin'.”
He can feel Simon's studying gaze on him and gorramn hell, why does the man always have to be so ruttin' smart for? Jayne's liable to smack that knowing look off the doctor's face if he keeps it up. But Simon knows that Jayne is all bark, least ways when it comes to him, and starts smiling again. Jayne fights the urge to start grumbling.
Simon pushes himself to his feet, casting an apologetic look around the table, as his hand comes to rest over Jayne's shoulder. “I'm sorry. Jayne, can we talk?”
He knows Simon's only asking so that he can save face in front of the others so he gets to his feet, all glares and stalks out of the room, hearing Simon's lighter steps following behind him. He keeps going until Simon's hand on his shoulder stops him and they're right outside their shared bunk. Shared for a year now and Jayne might not know the month exactly but he knows how many days it's been in between and he knows what equals up to a year.
“Did something happen? You've been...glaring all day. Mostly at me.”
“Ain't glaring.” He scowls.
“Alright.” Simon's looking at him with this raised eyebrow like Jayne's some interesting little puzzle to work out. He reaches out to run a finger tip along Jayne's pouting lower lip. Jayne scowls a bit more until Simon rolls his eyes. “If you wont tell me then I guess I'll just have to get it out of you some other way.” That gleam in his eyes lets Jayne know exactly what way and Simon steps back to gesture with a nod to the bunk.
Jayne thinks for all of a second about walking away indignantly before snorting and pushing the hatch open, climbing down the ladder first. By the time Simon has followed him down, he's already got his shirt pulled off over his head and he's working on kicking off his shoes. Ain't no point in hesitating but he still does it angry like, tossing his clothes on the floor 'cause he knows Simon hates that.
“Lie down when you're done. You know how I want you.”
Jayne doesn't answer, got nothing to say to this man that isn't gonna come off petulant or something worse. He strips off, hard as he lies down on his back but that's a minor detail, side-effect that he always gets when he's down here like this. Don't mean nothing and he's still pissed.
Simon must see that 'cause he sighs and sits on the edge of the bed, running his hand up Jayne's tense arm. “Did something happen while you were out today?”
“Nope.” Jayne is stubborn, he doesn't meet Simon's gaze.
“Jayne...” Simon's tone takes a turn to warning and Jayne snorts inwardly. Ain't no punishment hard enough that's gonna make him talk now, make a gorramn fool of himself.
But Simon, he's crafty, don't go in for punishment, instead he's skimming his fingers down Jayne's belly, curling his fingers into coarse hairs and scraping his fingernails with teeth gritting lightness against the base of Jayne's cock. His smile is sweet. “Jayne...” His voice stays soft. “If I did something wrong I'd rather know about it. If you don't want to tell me willingly I'll just have to keep you on the edge until you change your mind.”
Son of a bitch would do it, too, Jayne knows. Simon doesn't make idle threats and this is one he's carried out before. When Jayne will say anything to get release, even beg which is something he just doesn't do. With anyone but Simon. Like he doesn't remember anniversaries or buy gifts for anyone but Simon.
He shudders as Simon runs a fingernail up the underside of his shaft. He tries to glare through it but Simon ain't buying that, he's patient as anything as he sits and waits for Jayne to break. Without Simon even having to do anything.
“Gorramit... Ain't fair y' little hundan.” Ain't fair he's looking all sorts of pleased with himself too but Simon always wins. “Desk,” is all Jayne grunts and, after a moment of confusion, Simon goes to it. Jayne sits up, arms crossing in what he refuses to call self-defense rather than just pissed. Might be embarrassment as Simon opens a drawer and immediately finds the box of stationary, all wrapped up in ribbon and pretty.
His eyes widen as he figures out what he's holding and looks to Jayne. “What is this... Jayne?”
Jayne doesn't meet Simon's gaze. Should have gone for the gun oil, mistake he thinks he's gonna be regretting for a long time. “Paper, doc, what's it look like?”
Simon's fingers run over the etched design on the top sheet once he's worked the cover off. “Paper...”
“F' the first year.”
Jayne looks up then just so he can see the comprehension that lights up Simon's face and guilt that follows just as quickly. “Our anniversary. Jayne this is...”
Jayne shrugs. “Ain't a big deal. Take it back an' get gun oil instead.” He's sulking and Simon steps over, cupping the side of his face.
“I'm sorry.”
Jayne studies the man in front of him, Simon looking all types of contrite, before he smirks. Never was one to miss an opportunity. “Guess you gotta make it up to me, then. You c'n start by getting outta them clothes.”
Simon laughs but gladly hands over the reigns for a night and Jayne knows he got the point, like his mamma said because Simon's all kinds of book smart. Might be a bit street smart, too, when he manages to get Jayne's gun oil at half price the next day.