(no subject)

Feb 25, 2010 20:01

It is a winter afternoon, 14:34 of day 19, month 1, turn 22 of Interval 10.

Commons Cavern, Fort Weyr
While not nearly as large as the living cavern, the commons do serve something of a similar purpose as a gathering point for residents. There are a few scattered tables and chairs, with a section of counter carved from the native granite for general use. The typically cool floors are covered with a handful of rugs, while tapestries serve to blunt the chill emanating from the walls. Lighting is provided through glow baskets for the most part, although some individuals might bring in a lantern if they think to.

It's a fair bit quieter than the living cavern and is designed more as a location for residents to meet and work on whatever work needs to be done -- mending, cleaning, and tending to children are only a small sampling of the things that can be seen going on here. It's most active later in the day, after the bulk of the work is done and people start to settle in for the night, but it's never empty of people.

It also serves as a hub for a variety of useful caverns -- the nursery is located across from the residents' dorms, with the bathing cavern situated between the two. The candidates barracks are somewhat off to the side, closest to the tunnel that leads back out to the inner caverns.

Obvious exits:
Inner Caverns Workroom Resident Quarters Candidate Barracks Nursery

It's a nasty, rotten, howling blizzard out there, and even those riders who -aren't- on light duty aren't outside in it. The inner caverns and tunnels are crowded with people forced inside, but it's early enough in the season that the Weyrfolk can still enjoy the circumstances. Down in the commons, tucked into one of the chairs at a blessedly Auntie-free hearth, is B'kaiv, scowling at a bit of hidework like it's to blame for all the trouble in the world. A mug rests on the floor at his feet; he reaches down to bring it to his lips, unthinking, then swears when it turns out to be empty.

Rugged and slightly rough around the edges, Kai is one of those young men who looks perpetually scuffed. Well-tanned skin tells the tale of many days spent working under the rays of the sun, while dusty brown hair is chopped short enough to barely rumple when he runs his hand back over it. His nose is broad and slightly askew, his chin is square and stubborn under mutinous lips, and the tip of his left ear sports a notch, long healed. His face usually wears an impassive, unimpressed mask, though occasionally his eyes, a hazel predominated by brown, will light and the mask drop away. B'kaiv's shoulders are wide and broad, echoed by his arms and hands, both of which are thick and muscular. He stands a thumb's width over six feet with a growling muttered baritone of a voice and is probably about 21 turns.

His sweater is closely and simply knit, no cables or stripes to distract the eye. It sags a bit at elbow and neckline, the wear betraying the sweater's age more than the dusty chestnut color. More than casual inspection reveals curious flaws - the sleeve of the right arm below the elbow has been reknit in a greeny-brown heathered wool, as have a few spots in the body. Kai's trousers, black, are a sturdy wool-cotton blend, fitting close enough to keep out the winds. On his left shoulder he wears the knot of a Fort Weyr rider twined with green. His jacket, when he wears it, bears Obsidian's badge.

A lean man of average height, G'dri has allowed neither age or lack of threat to unduly affect his physique. Perhaps a little slower, a little stiffer, but he's still as trim today as he was when he left weyrlinghood behind. Black hair is kept neatly trimmed, short enough to be tidy and long enough to hint at curls. The first touches of grey mark his temples, with less concentrated strands scattered throughout. He has bright blue eyes beneath bold brows, framed by laugh lines. A straight nose, slightly pointed, leads down towards a mouth that's thin lipped but not unattractively so. Slightly scruffy, the dark tint of stubble oft graces a strong jaw and cleft chin.

His riding leathers are plain and utilitarian, undyed and undecorated, scarred here and there from hard wear. When not dressed for duty, he favours dark trousers that fit loosely over his legs, allowing for ease of movement, and sensible shoes. His shirts are mostly button-down, long sleeved though often rolled past his elbows during the warmer months. Colder weather brings with it the addition of cable knit sweaters, slightly large and tunic length. He has a definite preference towards blue, though has been caught in green and grey, and even purple occasionally. While leaning towards the conservative and earthy side of fashion, his clothing is always well made and of good quality fabrics.

His knot is the particular series of loops of an assistant weyrlingmaster, the black and brown of Fort Weyr twined through with a single strand of blue.

There are some good things about the enforced idleness of blizzards. Like the opportunity to hole up with the crafters for a while and indulge in pursuit of a hobby that was once a profession. So it is that G'dri starts through the commons from the direction of the workrooms, a shallow box tucked under one arm with a couple coils of silver wire and a rolled leather case poking up over the edge. He doesn't seem to be in any kind of a rush towards a destination, pausing here and there to exchange a few words with with residents or other riders he knows. And not just pausing, but stopping when luck brings him close enough to overhear a curse in a familiar voice. Turning to step closer, he smiles down at the seated greenrider. "You're sounding better," he says, gently teasing.

B'kaiv, known for his cursing. The greenrider turns to see, his sour face smoothing into a sort of grimace at the sight of the bluerider. "Can go a couple hours without coughing now," he boasts, which is of course when he has to pause and cough again. Sounding more resigned than anything, he jerks his head toward the seat next to him, which for some reason has remained empty. "How's Khameth? Chielyth ain't bothering him, is she? Been pestering me all day."

Since Kai hasn't suffered any relapse or otherwise looked ready to keel over lately, G'dri's allowed some of his concern to fade in direct proportion to the younger man's getting better. Which allows him to look more amused than distressed at the timing of that cough. "That's good," he states simply. "As long as you haven't entirely started ignoring the advice of your healers, hopefully you'll be back to full health soon." He shifts the box he's carrying out from under his arm, bending to settle it onto the floor where it can be 'guarded' between their feet. On the way back up, his hand aims to settle briefly upon the greenrider's knee -- just an aging man needing a bit of leverage. Settling into the seat alongside, he gives his head a shake, "I do not think she could ever truly /bother/ him, as such." His eyes unfocus for a second as he 'checks in' and his smile grows fond. "He is well. Enjoying watching the wind blow the snow around, while telling stories."

B'kaiv snorts again: ignoring advice? /Him/? but lets G'dri get settled with fond patience, waiting until the older man's seated before leaning back. "Think I ought t' be back t' full duty in a seven. Assuming this blizzard ever lets up," he allows wryly. "She didn't want t' go t' sleep this morning. Said she weren't tired. Had t' send her back home in th' middle of breakfast, though, when she finally were ready t' sleep." Reminded, he loosely rolls his hide and holds it in one hand: G'dri's company is far more interesting. "Hah. Yeah, sounds like the old man. He want his rocks back, yet?"

"I would think this blizzard would actually /help/ your health," G'dri notes drily, slanting a sidelong glance across the way. Not that he's implying even more enforced rest will do a body good, or anything. His brows lift a little, familiar enough with Chielyth's sleeping patterns to make note of the oddity. "I don't imagine the weather's been helping. Even young as she is, flying in the cold doesn't really let her burn her energy off in quite the same way, does it? It's tiring, but not the right kind of tiring." Pulling up a leg, he hooks his ankle over his knee and leans back a little further in his chair, tipping his head back. "So long as Chielyth continues to enjoy looking at them, he is content to share them with her. They're good prompts when she wants stories," he adds with a chuckle. "Unless you require the space for something?"

"No point in me being back on full duty if we can't go nowhere," Kai points out with a crooked smile. "Anyway, I'm getting so bored, wonder if it's rubbing off on her. Windy as it is, she can't really fly at all. Not like she wants, anyway." A passer-by, passing by, gets a little close to their chairs and bumps Kai's; he looks back quickly but ends up waving off the woman's apology. "There's these cliffs down t' Monaco we oughta show you. So high you can just...." One hand dives down the surface of the other: vroom! "Shoulda brought something back from there, but I weren't in no shape t' go looking for them."

G'dri lifts a finger, nods his head. Point. "Is that what had you trying to burn that hide with willpower alone?" he asks lightly. "Chucking it into the actual fire would probably have worked better." A quick glance up, and back down again, a wry sort of smile that makes note without words at the hazards of so many people being cooped up indoors. "No, you definitely weren't. We'd both enjoy that, though. When the weather clears and your lungs are a bit better, we can make a day of it, hmm? Now that the weyrlings are all tapped, for a little while longer at least we can be at your disposal."

Hide? Kai frowns at G'dri, blinks startlement to find a hide in his hand. "Yeah," he admits sheepishly, like reading is only one step removed from wearing ballet slippers and tulle. "D'kai asked me t' read it, something about... logistics? Only I can't make head or tail outta it. Probably oughta read somewhere quieter." Instead of in the commons' low roar. "Be good though, t' go back an' all." Reminded, he leans forward, drops his voice. "You hear who Obsidian got?" Like it's a secret, even though the bluerider probably knows all too well. "Nissa, Dashaya, an' Jiella!"

"What kind of logistics?" G'dri asks, sounding genuinely -- disgustingly? -- interested in what information that hide might contain. He chuckles softly though, an amused glance chasing across the commons. "Records and the storerooms might be the only places you have a chance at finding quiet, today. At least until it's safe to head back up to the weyrs." Head tilting, blue eyes crinkling up at their corners, he doesn't quite grin as he shifts sideways to listen to the 'revelation.' "Good riders, all," he opines, "if a little... impetuous... at times. Especially Nissa." Less humour and more serious, "How do you think they'll fit in with you lot?"

B'kaiv says, "Uh..." and glances at the hide for moral support. "Something about getting wings supplied for Fall." Which is logistics, yes. "I thought there was gonna be more numbers, but so far it's just some guy yammering on." He meets those blue eyes with a wry tilt of a smile and wrinkle of his nose. "Don't think there's no good reading light down in stores anyway." Hide goes tappity-tap against his thigh while he watches someone else move past, then it's back to G'dri. "Shells, someone needs t' sit on Nissa I think. Dashaya's a'right, don't know her that good, and Jiella..." Well. His opinion of the brownrider is best shown by a long, low whistle. "Orisoth's good, though. Nice and steady."

Brows lifting yet again, G'dri leans his elbow on the arm of his chair and curls his fingers over to provide a rest for his chin. "Hmm. Not what I would expect, unless he feels perhaps the wing needs a bit of a refresher in battle-readiness?" The questioning lilt in his voice is accompanied by a curious glance. He's been doing a rather good job at not focusing /too/ intently, but after such a long absence it might be forgivable that he's somewhat more interested in Kai than in all those random people milling about. He's had plenty of opportunities to see /them/ all winter. His laughter is sudden, full-throated. "I'd like to see someone try. She's got some fire in her, that girl." Which is cause for both admiration and concern, judging by the odd quirk his expression settles into. "Dashaya... hmm. She has always struck me as dutiful, dedicated. But there are flashes, at times. I think there might be more to her than she allows to show, or will acknowledge. It will be interesting, to see how she develops further as a full rider." As for the last, Jiella's beauty is entirely an abstract thing for him, appreciated in the same manner as he would a Master-crafted sculpture or other piece of art. So while amused by that whistle, there's no answering spark to be found within his eyes. "There is another one, who is more than she seems. Though I think perhaps she doesn't give herself credit for being more than the shallow creature she appears."

B'kaiv can only shrug. /He/ doesn't know what goes on in D'kai's mind. "Think he wanted me t' read it and tell him what it says since I can't fly sweeps or nothing. So I got t' get it read in th' next seven. Thought it'd be easy, with th' blizzard and all." Except not so much. "She don't /think/," he complains of Vanissa while G'dri can't decide between admiration and ruefulness. "I tried t' get her t' slow down and all, but... shells. Long as she don't just go doing everything she thinks about." Absently he snags up his mug again but no, it's still empty, flame it all. "Shells! --Don't care as she's shallow. Girl like her wouldn't never give me th' time of day any road. Just nice looking at her. All three of 'em. Heard she's going with At're, though," with more wistfulness than jealousy.

"Busywork." G'dri makes a face, lips pulling into a frown while his eyes go a bit squinty for the duration. "Well if you and Chielyth are both feeling restless, I can't really say as I blame you for not being able to focus. You've still got time though, so maybe one you've both had a chance to be a bit more active, you'll be able to settle and make some sense of it." Rueful, he decides on, with Kai's input. "Oh, no, she does think. She just doesn't think much past whatever idea it is that's popped into her head. I'm a little surprised they all went together, actually. There haven't been any problems between them as a trio as far as I'm aware, but...." But what, he leaves off with a shrug. "What is it you were drinking?" he asks instead, uncrossing his legs and looking quite ready to follow that question with rising and going to fetch more of the same.

Kai shrugs again for busywork and jokes, "Keeps me outta trouble." Perhaps not as well as pneumonia. "Yeah, that's what I mean. She gets this idea int' her head and," woosh! goes one of his hands, complete with mug, off into the ether. It takes him a second to process the bluerider's question, blinking, but rather than handing it over he stands up himself. "Klah. Dunno as I'm gonna get nothing more read now, though. Wanna see if it's no quieter up t' the living caverns? Might be a quiet corner they ain't using."

"Kai," G'dri notes fondly, "you /are/ trouble." Shaking his head with a chuckle, his eyes follow the off-rushing mug. There is a brief shadow that passes over his features, a spasm of remembered distress. But that is shaken off as well, his head tilting to direct another smile up at the greenrider as he stands. "It's worth checking. There's actually probably more people down here, for the moment. I won't be placing any wagers for once dinner time rolls around, however." He doesn't stand so much as slide out of the chair and into a crouch, the better to collect up his briefly abandoned box. "And, truth be told, I skipped lunch."

B'kaiv? Trouble? Never! Not that he'll deny it anyway, but flashes G'dri a rare toothy grin before shifting mug and hide into the same hand and offering the other down as assistance. "Weren't nothing special any road. Stew, meatrolls, th' usual. Kinda wish I'd been back for Turnover. Think I slept through most of it. What all happened back here? Didja go t' th' party?" With the unspoken assumption: there /was/ a party.

Not never ever. And in that alternate reality, possibly also wears shirts with lace ruffles down the front. G'dri accepts that offered hand gratefully, once he has a good hold on the box with the other, and while he doesn't allow himself to linger, does offer a brief squeeze of fingers once he's properly upright again. "I'm a man of simple tastes," he reminds with twinkling eyes. "And could quite happily demolish even a cold meatroll right about now." He'll fall into step beside the taller man, or wait for Kai to fall into step with him, whichever way it happens once they're situated and actually moving. "There was quite the celebration, I'm told," he replies. "Hold and Weyr both went all out, even with the Hold being still somewhat in mourning. And the Harpers, of course, are always going over the top." He smiles a little, his voice going softer. "I don't expect you to remember. But I was down to Monaco as often as I could be. I had no desire to attend parties."

Pink lace ruffles. With sequins. "Knew I liked you for a reason," says Kai, smile flashing here and gone again. "Think we can manage t' find something like that." Off they go through the commons, their chairs occupied within moments of rising, and through the halls and tunnels of the Weyr. "Thought maybe you'd come back once I fell asleep on you," he admits a little sheepishly, his voice pitched low to avoid echoes. "Dunno as I told you yet, but thanks for coming down, an' all." He can't - quite - look at G'dri as he says it, but keeps shooting the older man sidelong looks. "Think that one Healer, Sovrad, were glad t' see you too." That'd probably be the one who got to bear the brunt of Kai's healing temper.

G'dri's eyes give away the humour, though his voice is deadpan, "I'll endeavor to stay away from those fancy foods with unpronounceable names, then." Shaking his head as they walk, a sidelong look is given in return, though in his case it's more to avoid accidentally running into anyone else traversing the tunnels of the Weyr, than a reluctance to meet the other man's eyes. "I was concerned." And there's a blizzard outside, too, since we're reiterating the obvious. "There is no need to thank me, Kai. I-- care for you and wished to see you well. I know, were I ever in such a position, a... friend to share company with would be preferable to a pack of strangers." Always so careful, even now. With a crooked smile, the bluerider offers with only a faint hint of joking quality, "He was most competent. A good representative of his craft." A quick breath and a swift turn sideways allows him to dodge a tow-headed lad dashing pell-mell the opposite direction.

"Like th' ones in," Kai says, a sideways jerk of his head for the tunnel down which the Fountain is found. "Pah. You ain't never gonna...," he manages to get out of the darter's way, just barely, flings a, "Watch where you're sharding going!" down the hall after him. It's a couple more steps before he can pick up the threads of the conversation again, or maybe he's thinking about something else. "Ain't never gonna think breathing water's a nice change," he concludes, finally. "Think they was glad t' see my tail, even if they was saying I shoulda stayed down there a couple more months. Wasn't nobody hanging on my arm begging me t' stay, any road." Another crooked smile marks the joke.

"I'm not sure if a son would have been easier than a daughter," G'dri mutters, a squint directed over his shoulder as a few more scolds similar to Kai's echo through in the boy's wake. He dismisses that as easily as he turns his attention back to front, free hand lifting to push back through his greying hair. "Unless you plan on somehow turning into a fish," he remarks, trying to make light. He pauses, verbally anyway, his feet keeping a steady pace going, or as steady as can be. Half serious, half wicked, "I could always hang on to your arm and beg you to stay." He flashes a quick grin, even goes so far as to wink.

B'kaiv only snorts and smirks sidelong, pointedly not offering G'dri his arm. The bluerider'll have to grab for it himself, if he wants it. "Dunno as there's no point. I'm already here, and can't fly nowhere any road. Besides, don't plan on going nowhere. They said as I could stay, same as N'mar, and...." /And/. And the greenrider is quite obviously not still at Monaco, but at the entrance to the 'caverns. They do manage to find a spot, and a serving of klah, /and/ meatrolls - hot, even! - to keep them fortified until a proper supper is served. Afterward the greenrider begs off to go tend to Chielyth and get his homework done - or maybe he'll go find M'try and lean on the brownrider to do it for him.

Shells, it's good to just talk with him. Ain't a lot as is like that. Feel like I got to make something up to him for Monaco, or something. Maybe I should go back and get one of them rocks.

$khameth, $chielyth, g'dri, @proddy

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