Surprise at the Healer Hall

Feb 26, 2010 17:12

It is a winter afternoon, 15:53 of day 22, month 1, turn 22 of Interval 10.

Healer Hall, Fort Area
Patterned after its Harper neighbor, the Healer quadrangle is a couple of centuries newer and the cut of its stone is noticably different, as is the tiling on the roof, which is brown instead of orange. Most of the windows on the second floor are paned with clear glass, set back on deep sills from where the heavy bronze shutters cling to the walls. The west-facing front wing of the building is set with a gate that guards the archway into the courtyard and a gatekeeper often sits on duty just outside on a chair. Within the courtyard itself, wrought iron benches are scattered strategically along the walls, right beside the doors that grant access to each wing. Usually quiet but for the hum of apprentice conversation and the clatter of feet on the flagstone paved ground, the hall is a fairly restful place for those who have come for specialized treatment.

Just outside Healer Hall, sandwiched between its southern wing and the northern wing of the Harper Hall, a series of gardens serving culinary, medicinal and decorative puposes are bordered by the cliff wall to the east and open meadow to the west. The hold road travels northward to the hold itself and eventually to Ruatha and the Reaches and in the opposite direction far south to Southern Boll and the Weaver craft.

Obvious exits:

Its cold, there's snow on the ground though the paths are relatively clear of it as the afternoon draws towards evening. Apprentices and residents alike cross back and forth across the courtyard as they go about their business despite the temperature. Among them is one young teen who's certainly familiar to many by now. Fiorella's just leaving Healer Hall, hanging in the doorway listening to someone or another finishing some comment as she pulls on her mittens.

B'kaiv makes his way out into the courtyard from the more public area of the hall - namely, the examination rooms - and pauses to fasten his jacket and pull a hat on. His eyes skim the passers-by, lingering on this one and returning to that. He actually has to come back to Ella and her mittens, half-scowling as he makes his way over. "...Fiorella? That you?" Only after does he notice her companion with a grimace and a, "'Scuse me," of apology.

Fiorella was just finishing that conversation at least, her companion flitting off presumably to a lesson or an infirmary shift leaving the girl to turn to head on her way only to be met with her name. In a somewhat familiar voice at that. Brows furrow in momentary confusion as she tries to place it. "Yes, can I..." she starts before green eyes settle on the rider and a smile pulls at her lips. "B'kai! I heard you transferred to Monacco?" In other words, Hi! I'm happy to see you but why are you here?

"Back, B'kaiv shrugs, before digging into his coat pockets for gloves. "Got sick, and th' healers wanted my charts or something." He waves vaguely at the door he just came out of, like that will fill in the blanks. "What about you? I heard you was gonna marry th' Lord Holder? --Not th' Warder, th' little one?"

Fiorella ohs, her temporary excitement falling a touch flat at finding he was sick. "You're feeling better now though?" she checks, tilting her head to one side as if that might assure her a better look that might tell. A nod at his reasoning though, and a glance towards the door that's waved at. That makes sense, yes. "What abou..? Oh, lessons." Another nod, slight. Yes, he heard right. "Astivan," she supplies the name of that so called 'little one', "That's still three turns away though."

B'kaiv says, "Sure," with another shrug, like the outcome was never in doubt. "Had a cough for a couple sevens, but I'm all right. Little tired, though. Chielyth ain't been sleeping good, and she's been keeping me up. Sleeping right now," he adds, jerking his head at the arch through which, presumably his green can be found. As for the rest of her news, he frowns down at her, thoughtful. "Huh. Well, 'f that's what you want. Gonna be strange saying I knew Lady Fort when she weren't but half-grown, though."

Fiorella nods, "Good," she replies for him feeling better, a glances sent in search of Chielyth. "Few more days and you should be good as new," she adds, smile remaining as she looks back to the rider only to fall somewhat when met with his frown. "There are worse choices that could have been made," she replies somewhat resigned. Its something she's been reminded of herself on occassion. "I seem to remember you telling me something like that. Like Othana's no place for a girl like me. Fort isn't so bad, besides there's not that many that can say things like that. Are there."

"Yeah, but you wanted t' be a Healer," Kai says, with a gesture to the large stone buildings all around them. "Ain't sure what me growing up at Othana got t' do with nothing. You want t' be Lady Fort, then good for you. Thought you wanted t' do something else, is all." He shrugs again, because really? None of his concern, then glances around the snowy quadrangle again. "Was good seeing you again, Ella. You got letters or nothing t' go up t' Fort?"

Fiorella sighs, gaze distracted by the building and returning with a slight shake of her head. "Nothing really I suppose," she replies on the note of his home. "Just, there are worse things." And trying for an example that might fit with who she happens to be talking to. "There are some things you do because you have to, not because you want to. I do-did want to be a healer," she corrects herself, "And I'm still taking lessons, just as a student.. not an apprentice. Lady Astrella even thinks its a good idea." The lessons. Blink. "It was good to see you again too..." You're leaving already!? "No," a shake of her head, "Not just now. But thankyou .. for asking."

B'kaiv gives his head a shake, like someone's snuck up behind him and dropped snow in his ear, but refocuses on Ella a few seconds later. "Sure there's worse things. But since you wanna be Lady Fort...." The greenrider's shoulders lift and fall before he offers a quick, here-and-gone smile. "A'right. Chielyth's up, and she's grumpy. Wants t' fly. We better get going. See you around sometime before I got t' call you ma'am." And with those last half-teasing words and another flicker of a smile, the greenrider heads for the gate, his pace picking up into a jog as he ducks outside.

Didn't expect to see her there. Lady Fort. Shells. Hard to think about.

fiorella, #wing-obsidian, @proddy

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