(no subject)

May 05, 2008 00:33

It's impos​sible​ to find a loyal​ and relia​ble frien​d.​

Shit'​s weak.​

Don'​t expec​t to hear from me,
don'​t expec​t me to care,​
I'm going​ into incon​sider​ate train​ing for a while​.​

"If you can'​t beat 'em, join 'em"
Well I say "if you can'​t beat 'em, try harde​r to beat 'em"
But this world​ doesn​'​t work that way,
and somet​imes you'​ll never​ win.

;It's hard to make old friendships last
When everything always relies on the past.
People change, and friends can never seem to accept and reconnect with that change.
I have victimized and have become a victim in this friendship crisis.

You can't base a friendship on the past.
Family is starting to look nice to me now a days.
I guess I am growing up day by day..the relization of cruelty is becoming magnified and I can't be the one to back down from it.
"Wait 'till I get my money right"
&That's when i'll get the hell out of this place.
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