SUP doggies. happy vday or vd day lulz. PROPS to my boy Diet aka Dave. he just copped a car. chyeahhhhhhh!!
cacophonophilist: t
cacophonophilist: tt
cacophonophilist: ttt
cacophonophilist: tt
cacophonophilist: t
chixcago: l
chixcago: [lk
chixcago: 'k
chixcago: FUCK
cacophonophilist: fucking moron
chixcago: YOU
Kickshaw Jackson: lol@speedygonzalesnotfastenough
cacophonophilist: do you like lazercat
cacophonophilist: (^-.-^)\m/ - - - PEW PEW PEW LAZERCAT
i iz rob: aw
i iz rob: i bet shana would dig on that shit
cacophonophilist: he shoots lasers out of his fist
i iz rob: paws fwiw
cacophonophilist: he makes his paw into a fist
i iz rob: i don't think that's possible but then again we're talking lazers
i iz rob: |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
i iz rob: | |¯¯¯¯¯
i iz rob: that's kind of a gun!
i iz rob: yes it took me that long
isaiah a ha: that's a tetris pieace
cacophonophilist: hahah
isaiah a ha: piece, even
vEekdER: hahhah
bestial raids: who fucking cares who is yellow
parking lot bird: hey betsial can u breathe fire when u eat a red shell
patient screams: anyway
patient screams: i'm so smart
patient screams: ask me something
patient screams: i'm in college
i iz rob: what's it like to have sex
isaiah a ha: ..
pawn hits: ahha
vEekdER: LOL
patient screams: OH NO
patient screams: :-(
SoylentSoy: Azure, lemme see ur bewbs
azureray: why dont you look in the mirror and pretend your moobs are my boobs???????
azureray: ??????????
azureray: ?????????????????
azureray: ??????????????
pawn hits: lOL
Poseur Execution: MWAHAHAHAHA
SoylentSoy: because mine are harry.
vEekdER: ROFL@4
diet: my stomach is making weird movements i guess youd say
OoOSweetTashaOo3: >.>
OoOSweetTashaOo3: thats lovely
diet: yeah probably telling me the bathroom is on line 1
OoOSweetTashaOo3: Please do not tell me these things
diet: correction
diet: the bathroom is on line 2
OoOSweetTashaOo3: Ew
diet: i could take my laptop to the bathroom but thats gay
OoOSweetTashaOo3: Ew
OoOSweetTashaOo3: dont do that
diet: set it on the hamper
OoOSweetTashaOo3: Youre so vile
diet: hope not t get it wet or dirty
OoOSweetTashaOo3: ewewew
diet: i got a sayin
diet: dont wipe and type
Valley Vikings04: rolf is stupid
Valley Vikings04: fyi
menstrual chunks: amanda saying "fyi" is really ironic
menstrual chunks: considering she doesn't know anything
Lesbian Carwash: ouch haha
whatevskees: okay who am i
BLUSTEEL 18: andy
pawn hits: l o l
isaiah a ha: Emil
whatevskees: good job
BLUSTEEL 18: crap
whatevskees: isaiah got it!
pr e tt y it up: hahha
BLUSTEEL 18: i just assumed andy because it had to do with food
Diet has entered the room.
Ir0n Z3pp3lin: Diet
Ir0n Z3pp3lin: you need to meet Amanda
Ir0n Z3pp3lin: :D
trashytron: well
trashytron: whats the point of collecting
trashytron: ive never understood it
i iz rob: why would you pay 140 dollars for a doll you play with
i iz rob: that's ridiculous
i iz rob: cara you collect stds maybe you can explain to us what the point of collecting is
lynapwnz: corinne you still got your vcard?
yakuteza: yes
parking lot bird: lyna im a virgin
parking lot bird: pop my cherry lyna
yakuteza: its surprising when you consider that youaren't a virgin, ian
cacophonophilist: if you say so, wednesday.
tumultbeing: you mean morticia
cacophonophilist: luis, steph's mom imed me tonight
cacophonophilist: she doesn't know what pogs are
cacophonophilist: she was like "ok im gonna go bye... is there anything u wanna talk about"
cacophonophilist: and i'm like "pogs"
chixcago: you shouldve asked her bra size
cacophonophilist: ew
chixcago: ahahahahahaha
yakuteza: should have asked her how to check for lumps
Nuclear Thrash: hey Grim
Nuclear Thrash: why do you love corinne?
guerilla stance: caus shes a babe
Nuclear Thrash: LOL
guerilla stance: is it so wrong
guerilla stance: to love corinne
Nuclear Thrash: yes
Nuclear Thrash: beastiality is illegal
yakuteza: oh c'mon
yakuteza: groims not that bad
Kickshaw Jackson: this chemistry teacher at my school
Kickshaw Jackson: hs
Kickshaw Jackson: invented some shit became RICH
Kickshaw Jackson: then just taught two classes and coached the golf team haha
Kickshaw Jackson: mr sakaguchi aka mr suckacoochie
Kickshaw Jackson: aightthenlate
Kickshaw Jackson has left the room.
rob: "Rob's Royal Palace of Chat Parlance: From Serf to Jester to King and the Kingdom in Between" lol
rob: i forgot i made that the title of the page
rob: fucking awesome
aileen: i am serf
veeks: im a knight 8]
veeks: knight rider **
aileen: low rider
veeks: lol ownt
pr e tt y it up: oh god
pr e tt y it up: in 5th grade
pr e tt y it up: thats was the only time in my lif ei ever got in trouble at school
isaiah a ha: for kissing too many boys?
pr e tt y it up: worse
pr e tt y it up: i was in p.e
isaiah a ha: playing house?
pr e tt y it up: and i was sitting down by the volleyball net
pr e tt y it up: and this kid pulled his pants down and put his little dick in my face
pr e tt y it up: then
pr e tt y it up: he took my backpack and ran away
pr e tt y it up: so i found him and swung him around by his hoodie somehow cause i was so mad and he hit his head on the pole
pr e tt y it up: right before graduation
pr e tt y it up: it was awful
pr e tt y it up: and during graduation he had this big patch on his eye
isaiah a ha: fifth grade graduation?
isaiah a ha: wtf
pr e tt y it up: i cried in the b-room:-(
guerilla stance: no lie, once i shat in my backyard and blamed it on the cats
bill: you into watersports son?
PunchJesus: easy there R Kelly
chixcago: OWNED
cacophonophilist: is that what the doctor said to your mother when you were born, luis?
chixcago: no, he said what a wonderful baby boy
chixcago: and i said 8-)
chixcago: when ian came out the doctor screamed "GO LONG" and threw him out the hospital window
in quod: no he was all "PORRRR QQQQQQQQQUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!?!?!?! \>:o/ "
cacophonophilist: LOL
veekder: hahahahahahah
cacophonophilist: sam thinks "por que" means "pork"
chixcago: sam
chixcago: how do you say pork chop sandwich in spanish
chixcago: jw..
in quod: heh.......
in quod: por que el sandwich.......
chixcago: HAHAHAHA
veekder: hahaha
* brian has joined #dorkd
* ChanServ sets mode: +v brian
brian: here by special request
veeks: whats up brian happy v-day
brian: happy vd day