26th Nigga Moment: The End of Days is Upon Us.... Until the Curse is Over.

Oct 30, 2010 00:58

[Riley’s skin is looking just a little more pale than usual when he gets on the screen. His pupils are completely white, and he has red horns sticking out of his head. You know typical demon stuff. His voice might sound just slightly more demonic.]

Man, ain’t this ‘bout a bitch. Hell’s opened up, angels and demons are at war, zombies were walking the streets, and Huey is burning in the pit of Hell for the rest of eternity for his transgressions. [Obnoxious laughter goes here.] Shoulda thought ‘bout that before you decided to make watching women shake they ass on TV yo favorite past time huh?

Anyway, it seems like these days err’body taking a side. Either you good, bad, neutral, or a blogger. Now what’s a blogger you ask? A blogger’s somebody who doesn’t necessarily contribute anything, but brings up topics for discussion. Because after being tortured in Hell or participating in a war that will bring about the end of days, the FIRST thing on everybody’s mind is what you think will happen to Uncle Luey in the afterlife if he ever got crushed by a giant out of control dick. But me? I ain’t on no side. I got my OWN side. The best side. I’m just working with Satan as a temporary partner. Soon as I see an opportunity tho’? I’m gonna beat the hell outta that nigga. And then I’M gon' be the ruler of Hell. And once I become ruler I’m gon’ make some changes.

The first thing is that if you ain’t gangsta, you ain’t gettin’ into Hell. Instead we send you right back to yo ugly ass body ‘till you LEARN how to be mo' gangsta. And I wouldn’t care if yo body was broken, beaten, decapitated, or nothing. I’d just force you back in it, 'till you could at least be half mo’ gangsta than I am. And even that ain't no easy task.

And after I did all that? The next step is conquering Heaven. But I ain't gon' give ya'll those plans 'cause I know how ya'll is. You might try to steal 'em.

[ooc: Phew. Think I just baaarely made the curse. Hopefully. If it's too late we'll just say it's backdated! o/]

poor huey, how the freemans bond, curse, demon!riley, video

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