Sep 02, 2003 20:22
Well, my fans have demanded that I write another entry after letting my LJ lie fallow for almost a week. Nothing nearly as contemplative this time, I promise.
Labor Day weekend. Every year, it marches the inevitable maturation of the year; the beginning of Autumn, in spirit if not in fact. Celebrated with barbeques, drinking to excess and lazing in the sun, it is perhaps one of the more American of holidays.
I spent my Labor Day weekend in Denver, for the dual purposes of visiting my Mother and family and working a small convention. It was a satisfactory way to spend a weekend. My grandfather is getting old (85 next week!) and probably will not see another birthday. My Mother has her own problems, but seems to be working to get through them.
The convention went fairly well, and it was a unique experience for me, since I was the guest of honor. Tacticon, hosted by Denver Gaming Association, had about 600 people. They bought me a case of Fat Tire, and were going to buy me dinner on Saturday, but I stayed to run my tournament instead. Also included in my special guest duties, I judged a miniature painting contest on Saturday. Some good entries, but not a lot of them. If you're in Denver, try to get to DGA conventions, since that's the only way they'll grow.
Cool things:
-Kristy being happy
-Me finally moving the last of my stuff
-BBQed meat
-free beer
Lame Things:
-selling all my T1 Magic cards, and getting to keep none of the money
-waiting until next Thursday
-not having cookies
That's pretty much it for this episode. Watch for more neat thoughts next time.
-Disco Ian