Oct 05, 2009 17:14
My weekend was really slow - extremely slow actually since we never even left the house. Part of me worries about it when we have weekends like that, but I needed some seclusion so it was good. On Saturday we played EQ2 all day - and I do mean all day - we were up until 4 am. We got so much accomplished in-game and it felt really good to make so much progress with our characters.
Sunday wasn't as successful since my wrist was (still is) hurting pretty badly so we ended up playing for some of the day together and then I stopped and watched some football. Long enough to recognized that while Mark Sanchez may be a good quarterback, he's still a rookie and that means he's going to have some bad games. He really really needs to get a grip on the ball, and I mean that literally. It's never a good thing when the defense as 14 points at halftime. *wince* He'll learn... I hope.
This morning I actually managed to get up and have coffee and breakfast at home. It's been years since I pulled that off. And I'm wearing makeup and made the boat. It was a highly successful morning for that.
The rest of the day has been frantically busy. I'm coordinating registration for 8 different distance learning times, 3 different fall conferences, 1 winter conference and 1 spring conference. I'm swamped with requests for this piece of information or that.. insanity ensues as I try to remember who is involved in which program. I'll survive this, but I've got to try to find a way to organize things slightly differently moving forward so that my brain doesn't have to hold all the information at once.