Jan 09, 2006 09:39
so I spent yesterday, and the night before, drinking alcohol slowly and socially. Sat. night was just a drunken painting experience alone(typical for me), but involved absinthe as well, so sunday morning I naturally felt like the devils ASS!
Then me and Kim go out Sunday to eat with her friend Sara from work (really cool chick btw!). We each have margaritas there, then we go home to watch the simpsons and family guy and drink a few grapefruit and vodkas.
Now, neither of us have drank since NYrs. It's become VERY GODDAMM apparent to us both that feeling light and fluffy and energized all week was directly related to no alcohol consumption. I've always known it was a depressant, both physically and mentally, but last night I felt so fucking shitty about my life I couldn't smile if I tried, and I couldn't figure out why at all. It's like that cloud of teenage depression came back for a suprise visit like an old friend you've avoided for years. Does its work pretty quick nowadays.
It's the Baltimore disease I guess, we are some drinkin-ass people! It can be fun, but only in the context of a bunch of people in a room full of good vibes. I've drank alone many a night, and felt like shit along with it. Addictions have always been a turn-off to me, and I refuse to joke about it the way some people do. You can't make light of utter failure. I don't judge people for being alcoholics, I just feel sad for them.
I've been deep into it, and the depression that comes with it. And I've seen the other side of the coin; childlike health and exhuberance. I'm more comfortable with the latter. Gives me more time for the two bands, art and Kimmy.
It sucks you in and makes you think you need it. It creates pain, then you get convinced you need it to deal with that pain. This is where I always think of the song "Hair of the dog" by Bauhaus; probly the most brilliant lyrics to ever come from that band, sorry to be the person who prints bands lyrics in entries, but I've been in love with this song for years. I've felt every word of it deeply...
Man who was mortally wounded by war
kept on fighting
Man who was cut to the quick by love
Kept on loving
Man who was mercilessly tortured by thoughts
Kept on thinking
Man who was crippled with concerns
Kept on caring
Man whose eyes were sore from obscenities
Kept on looking
Man whose heart bled, killed by compassion
Kept on feeling
Man whose legs buckled under excertion
Kept on running
Man whose ears burned at the sound of his own name
Kept on listening
Hair of the dog
Hair of the dog that's hurt