a Q0uTe

Nov 20, 2004 08:53

have y0o ever L0ved s0me0ne s0 much that theY are aLL y0o think ab0ut daY in and daY 0ut, and when y0oR sad and d0wn theY are aLwaYs there just t0 make y0o smiLe, and c0mf0rt y0o and y0o kn0 deep inside that y0o cant bare t0 think 0f being with0ut that pers0n cuz it wuLd tear y0o up inside and devistate y0o then it kiLLs y0o inside cuz theres that distance between y0o and that speciaL pers0n and y0o just wanna spend aLL y0oR time with him but y0o cant...
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