i saY i d0nt need him but i reaLLy d0..

Nov 18, 2004 15:45

0 where d0 i start? thing wit me nd j0hsua arent s0 g00d rite n0w .. :( in a waY i d0nt want t0 be wit him rite n0w cuz i can see it just aint g0nna w0rk -he d0nt kn0 what he wants- but i need him in mY Life s0o much. i can never have a reLati0nship wit anYb0dY Like the 0ne i have wit him.
.. n0b0dY wiLL ever kn0 me Like he d0es ..
.. i wiLL never trust anYb0dY with my secrets as much as him ..
.. n0b0dY wiLL ever have that part 0f me that he has ..
.. i cuLd never L0ve anYb0dY as much as i L0ve him ..
but i dunn0...things are aLL 0ut 0f wak rite n0w. maYbe theyLL get better maybe n0t? h0pefuLLy theY d0!

0n a better n0te...h0w is everYb0dYs week s0 far? mines n0t t0o g00d as y0o can proLLy teLL

- - t0daY - -
t0daY was 0kaY. it wuLd have been great if j0shua wasnt in the pisture 0r if things were g00d between me nd him. but thass a wh0Le nuther st0rY..
first period.. me nd ashLeY had fun Like aLwaYs. i L0ve her t0 death.. with0ut her i dunn0 if i cuLd make it thru this shit wit j0shua. :( we had t0o d0 s0me w.s nd it was hard as fuk.
sec0nd peri0d.. man theY was crakin 0n jessica (s0me girL j0shua was waLkin wit nd huggin.. i guess theY taLkin?) it was hiLari0us. maTt wasnt there th0 :( hes mY buddY
third peri0d.. we g0t 1o minutes t0 finish 0ur test fr0m yesterdaY.. im definatLy g0nna faiL that babY.
f0urth peri0d.. we had a test but it was easY.. devin g0t a fukn refearL which is fukn hiLari0us cuz its s0o hard t0 get writtn uP bY mrs. neese.

weLL thats ab0ut it f0r me.. i have practice t0nite fr0m 5:30-7:30. FuNfUn!! :) iLL get t0 see chaz th0..yeaH! :) :) :)

0Yeah meLLy...i ned s0me friends that wiLL c0mment cuz y0oR aLL i g0t :) but i need m0re ppL.. can y0o heLp? haha.. iM such a L0ser.. i cnat even find mY 0wn friends :(

<3 eRiiCa*NiiC0Le

n0 matter h0w much i denY it.. i d0 need him :(
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