(no subject)

Sep 24, 2004 10:23

I'm really beginning to like this roots/radicals system Arabic has - seems about 90% of all Arabic words are derived from roots, which means that building up a vocabulary will be far easier than it is in many other languages. I already know over five words or so derived from the root k-t-b, which has to do with writing - book, write, book shop/library, writing, writer, letter and so on. It's very practical.

The plural systems are not, however, but I can live with that; you just have to adjust to the fact that there are practically no grammatical rules here, and simply learn all words in both singular and plural form. We haven't really gone into dual form yet.

And I can read. That feels absolutely amazing - it's been, what, three weeks? - and I can read Arabic script. Not fast and not completely accurately yet, but it works. It's starting to make sense.
I think Arabic script is the most beautiful writing I've come across so far, too, even when it's the simple print form. Arabic calligraphy is fantastic.

I messed up the link in my last entry, it lead to her old, now defunct url; this is the right one.

Do turn down your speakers, though, and don't even think about trying for it if you're not on some kind of DSL, at the very least...
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