Blah, blah, blah..

Sep 20, 2004 00:26

The exam went allright - with any luck I will not have to bother about phonetics ever again. There's less than a week and a half until the history of Islam exam, though, so we still can't concentrate fully on the Arabic - bother the admin personnel at the department of Middle Eastern Studies and their scheduling! And since a complete inability to consider any other subjects the students may be taking within one course seems to be a standard requirement for all academic positions, our Arabic teachers don't give a fuck about that. Bah.

We had a very nice dinner at Ulla's yesterday, with Sofia and her four-months-old baby, Siri. Went to the Cave afterwards, which was also nice - there were actually some people there, in spite of it being the weekend before paycheck, and Tech Noir the same evening. The cream pastry girl showed up just before we went home in a long, pink wig and a black EGL lace cap - I was too mesmerized by the wig to notice what she wore beneath it; I suppose she must have worn something more, probably the zebra platforms she wore last week. Her sense of style never ceases to amaze me.

Don't think that I don't appreciate her, though; I do, a lot. I really love it when people have a bizarre, personal style, even if they look awful to me - they seem to have so much fun with it, and it's so cool to go all the way like that, no matter what people might think. That's why Narasha is so fascinating - in spite of everything.

The cream pastry seems way too cool to hang with her depressing bunch of friends - they're the kind of people who gives off prep-dressed-up-as-goth-for-halloween-vibes no matter what they wear (and apparently, they did when they were indie kids a year or so ago too), while she is... well, bizarre is the only word that really fits the bill.

People like her and Narasha simply make the scene so much more fun.
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