Maggie Grace Icon Tutorial;
Go from This:
to this:
Made in PSP7, but I'm sure its transferable ^^;
Okies, first things first, you need a base, im using this one: (Credit for Original the pic goes to
yumesuke )
Next, sharpen the picture once
Now, duplicate your base, and set the blend mode to screen, opacity 50
Duplicate the base again, and drag it so it is on top of the screened layer (I guess you could duplicate the screened layer instead) and desaturate it, then set the blend mode to soft light, opacity 75
Next, create a new layer, and add the following gradient (im not sure who its by, if you know, please let me know so I can give proper credit :) )
And set the gradient layer to soft light, opacity 100
Next, flatten your image, and duplicate your layer, and set the duplicates blend mode to softlight, opacity 50
Now, I know alot of people hate what ima do next, but I really think this icon needed it *gulp* so dont hurt me :P
Take your freehand selection tool thing (this:
and go around her mouth then sharpen the section once, and repeat for her eyes, hair, and eyebrows, to get this:
I think he face is a bit sharp, so next, take yopur soften tool (size:5, opacity: 20, hardness: 20) and soften her face, avoiding the areas you have sharpened and the line of her chin and what not
Now, for the brushes.
Firstly, create a new layer, then take the following brush (made by me, but lets be honest, anyone could make it :P )
And put it to the left of the picture, so the side is right on the edge, like so:
Next, take this text brush (on another new layer) (I think its by:
chouchoune please correct me if im wrong)
I erased some from her shoulder, and sharpened it twice, and voila!
If you have any problems, or dont understand something, let me know, and I'll try my best to help :)
Also, you are welcome to use the icon from the tutorial, as long as you credit either
honerbright or
throw_elijah Join this community(
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