Look it's my yearly Thankful List!
100 Things I'm thankful for...(In no particular order)
1.My camera!
2.Sophomore year!(I miss it so much!)
3.Having a license
5.Chinese Food
6.Liquid Eye Liner
7.My grade in Math! A-!!!!! Highest grade in math in my whole life
8.Dance Videos
11.a white christmas(then all the snow should melt)
12.4 day weekends :o)
14.Gilmore Girls! I love the clothing/acting and men in this show
15.My braces. Straight teeth!
16.The feeling of acomplishment
18.The fact that I can shower daily
19.Romantic Comedy/Chick Flick movies
20.John Mayer- most amazing singer ever
22.Woodfield mall
23.The length of my hair
24.Montana: Changed my outlook on life. Most amazing trip ever
25.Headbands: so cute!
26.Mariah Carrey and Jojo ;o)
27.Blasting Akon in Rach's car
29.Stress management. Trust me I can manage my life so much better this year despite the hectic schedule and amount of homework I always get
30.My ipod
32.the ocean
33.Rob Thomas: Every single song I like!
34.Driving with the windows down(Not now though)
35.Family coming in from out of town :o)
37.Catching up with friends I haven't seen in forever
38.Toilets that aren't on the floor(in other countries you just sqaut)
39.Church: I love waking up on a Sunday, regardless if I'm tired or not.
40.Thanksgiving Eve church service, which is in 2 hours!
41.Having a lot of friends
42.Stress(hah now let me explain this one, when I'm over stressed and feel like crying that's not fun, but when I'm stressed I want to work harder and I feel like I have some purpose)
43.Hair Dye: I like red hair but it's brown right now
44.Home Videos
45.Having friends with licenses
46.The right to get your eyebrow pierced ;o) (Someday I will)
So I've put this up before! I love Emma dearly. We argue a lot, and we may not talk as often as I wish we would but once we see each other we can can start talking and catch up all over. And I can tell her anything. And no matter how much time passes between us we'll always be bestfriends. We act crazy together, and believe my friends love Emma, even when they've never met here. It's cause she's amazing! And you wish you had our bond!
48.Fashion. I love sewing <3
49.Off Campus
50.Makeup(hahah trust me your thankful I use it hahaha)
51.My cell phone...it's better than not having one
52.ORANGE JUICE How did I not mention this earlier?
54.Ryan: My brother is awesome. We never fight. I usually tell him everything too.
Pictures like this. It's really awesome all the beauty you can find in the world.
56.Lint Rollers(Trust me, life savers)
57.My writing ability? One of the only things I'm good at.
58.Buying bras expecially colored push up ones
59.Inside jokes
60.Grey's Anatomy.. mmm McDreamy
61.Pictures: I love when looking at pictures you can go back to the place and time it was taken and remember it perfectly
62.That I haven't gotton in a car accident yet. There's been several almosts :o)...
63.Swimming with boys in gym ;o)
64.Babysitting. Any money income is a good thing
65.JAARS <3
66.Friends. Really I don't want to go into specifics. But the fact of the matter is, if we're friends now and we've been friends for at least 2 years, I'm so grateful to have you in my life. And yes I'm definitely busier this year than last and don't have much time to spend with everyone equally but I hope you know I love you ;o)
67.Believing in God/Jesus again and to the friends that helped me
68.One more year untill I can vote
69.December 30th
70.The fact that college is less than 2 years away. LET FREEDOM RING
71.Compliments:who doesn't like them?
72.Dresses and finding amazing prices on them
73.Family getogethers: We're so obxoxiously loud. I'm surprised we're not 100% Italian or Greek
74.Pictures like this:
Oh and Emma, I really really wanted to post that picture of you by my bed...but I thought you would kill me if I did.
Okay I don't have time to get up to 100 and I'm drawing blanks