poor agoraphobic dog!

Feb 19, 2005 22:41

as aforementioned by others, the apartment has progressed into the second season of alias. it's strange, because when we started watching the fourth season, i liked it enough to want to watch the first three seasons, but the more i watch of the first three seasons, the more i realize what people who have watched the show all along seem to be saying: the fourth season kind of sucks. the second season, on the other hand, has been highly enjoyable, and the last episode that we watched was passage part one, aka the bond family christmas, in which bono jumped out at the last minute and told me how to feel (hopeful yet blase with the absurdity of it all, i think). oh bono, i'd been waiting for you to show up.

also, we have a bad habit of renting a disc from the video store and not getting around to watching it until we have to watch eight episodes in eighteen hours, some of them slightly drunken. which reminds me of a dumb and slightly boozy anectdote i was going to tell you, internets.

last week we were also getting slightly drunk and watching alias, intent on polishing off whatever liquor was left in the house, which led to watermelon pucker straight up over ice and also gin and black cherry soda. part of the dregs of our liquor counter came from this awesome care package that between_names sent me right before i moved to massachusetts, which included, among other things, a bruno and boots book, some double a batteries and a bunch of little airplane/hotel sized bottles of alcohol (which are apparently called nips? whatever). when i came downstairs and realized we'd finally drank them all, i lamented that we were out of the "little boozes." i think i am going to start calling them "little boozes" from now on, because what's a nip, anyway? either way, we are out of little boozes.

everything's not lost, though, because siege82 moved out yesterday afternoon and his parting gift was a bottle of vodka and a bottle of jack daniels (which i am drinking straight up, over ice, because we're out of coke and i'm apparently That Kind of Girl now) so i'm assured a slightly drunk, couch lounging, homoerotic fanfiction about the lord of the rings actor cast writing, episodic dvd watching lifestyle at least for another couple weeks.

at the moment, though, we're watching the price of milk, which k8 obtained from netflix because it stars karl urban's ass. little did we know it starred karl urban's ass and an AGORAPHOBIC DOG and a QUILT and the WITCH QUEEN PLAYING GOLF. little did we know, indeed.

the man the myth the legend, nielsen family picnic, oh how the wine talks

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