so this week has been the worst work week i have had since i worked at the center, and possibly the worst work week since the week of vermont gay pride, during which i worked 80 hours and had to sleep at night in a park because we couldn't afford tent security.
but never mind that. i am drinking a jack and coke and eating a krispie kreme donut, and if you're reading
THE ARCHER i have some spec about
part thirty-nine.
so i think that dom was set up to turn and that the agent he met with when he decided not to turn in the six was a plant of some kind.
a. his contact isn't an organization man, which means what? uh, actually i have no idea.
b. the contact agent is very distinctively described but never named. dom doesn't like him, he's a bastard, he's completely hyperbolic about the fate of the six, but you never find out if he's the random actor from troy third from the right or the left. this seems like it will be important later.
c. This man was beyond dense. At least they had made it easy for Dominic to finally turn. was it made too easy? was it set up to be a scenario that would make dom want to turn?
smartlikejustin thinks that the agent who dom met with was orlando in disguise because in an early part which i don't recall, it's mentioned that orlando is a master of disguise.
e. dom also wonders what else orlando knows from having checked his computer, so it's possible that orlando has known that dom is an MI5 agent all along.
f. i don't think that dom blew up the cabin. the cabin explosion was way early in the mission, and at that point dom was just supposed to be watching and reporting. also, if the cabin was an O.R.G. safehouse, you would think that the org probably a) wanted them there and b) had it bugged.
g. i think that there's some other puppetmaster (ian? or maybe someone else entirely) pulling strings, especially since we're being told over and over and over that viggo has completely lost control of what he was doing.