Jun 21, 2009 12:51
sky diving was absolutely amazing!!! i can't even describe what an incredible experience it was. 9 of us went (ryan, bobby, brandon, beau, grant, colten, tracey, justin, and myself) and we did static line jump which means you jump by yourself from 3000 feet and the parachute pulls automatically for you. you only free fall for a couple seconds but your floating in the air for about 5 minutes. you have a radio and someone on the ground tells you how to navigate yourself to the ground. we had about 4 hours of training. three of which included sitting in this room and watching the oldest most boring videos. i think we were all falling asleep. then the second half of it you are out in a shed practicing the exit and pulling of the toggles. the professionals that taught us randomly assigned us into groups of who was jumping with who and the order we would jump. it just so happened that the three B's (me bobby and brandon) were assigned together in the second group. we thought it was really weird considering they had no idea we are cousins. so us three and the pilot and our jump master all crammed into this tiny little plane. bobby was the first one to jump then brandon and then me because i was the lightest. so you go up the 3000 feet they opened the door and bob was out. then it was brandons turn. he got out and was holding on to the wing for what seemed like forever. i was getting nervous because i was afraid he wasn't going to look up which you are supposed to do but he finally let go. then it was my turn. honestly i wasn't even really nervous. the view from the plane was incredible and i was just taking it all in and i was trying to focus on what i needed to do. then the jump master opened the door and i positioned myself on the step of the plane and waited for him to slap my back and tell me to go. it was crazy. you are going about 120mph the wind is so loud and i was afraid i wasn't going to be able to hold on to the wing. after about 10 seconds he gave me the go ahead. then i had to get up walk out to the edge of the step and position my hands on the wing, step off the step, hang on for a little bit. i couldn't hold on very long the wind was crazy. so i looked up and let go. you are then supposed to do a specific stance and count to 6 look over your right sholder and check your chute to make sure it came out. everything happened so fast i tried counting but i felt the tug which meant my chute came out i then had to look up and make sure nothing was seriously wrong with it. the lines were twisted but that is normal so i had to swing legs around to get them undone. then i had to grab the toggles and release the breaks. the rest of the time you are just floating there. it's so peaceful and such an amazing feeling. you just get to soak it all in and the view is breathtaking. once you hit about 1000 feet the guy starts directing you in so you will have a good landing. you have to pull the toggles to turn and about 15 feet above the ground you have to flare. which means you bring both arms down to start breaking. i didn't flare as fast as i should of so i didn't stick my landing but it was still a fairly good landing for my first time. the experience was amazing. i absolutely loved it and would recommend it to everyone. put your fears aside and try it because there is nothing else like it.