Oh, man, the things I do at two in the morning. I really have no idea. um. I just kind of got the urge to make a Draco mix and, you know, went with it. It's not really, like, definitive or anything -- it's just fun. The first six are just sort of "in general", the last six follow a very vague path through HBP. Don't ask about the art, that's just crack. Best. Hat. Ever. I want to marry it so I named a fanmix after it. TRUE LOVE. It really has nothing to do with the mix though. Well, beyond the fact that it is the most fabulous hat ever and this is the most fabulous mix ever, I mean. You know. ::shifty eyes:: Yeah, not really.
All tracks are in mp3 format. And, uh, that's it. I hope you like. :)
01. Louis XIV, "Louis XIV"
ah, me me me me is all you think that i care about/me me me me is all i ever want to talk about/me me me me is what you think that i care about/me me me me is all i really want to talk about
Let's face it, the boy is a wee bit self-absorbed. It's part of his charm, really. Or something. Who's your daddy?
02. Air, "Sexy Boy"
sexy boy/sexy boy/dans leurs yeux des dollars/dans leurs sourires des diamants/moi aussi un jour je serai beau comme un dieu
ahahaahh. Oh, this one makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. Translation: sexy boy/sexy boy/dollars in their eyes/diamonds in their smiles/one day i too will be beautiful like a god
03. Spoon, "The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine"
i turn the news on a while/i practice my scene/you think things are straight but they're not what they seem/til you know the two sides of monsieur valentine/in his coat and his boots and his black heart machine/no, no one knows the two sides of monsieur valentine
This one is sort of for... well, we know what Harry sees when he looks at Draco, but Harry's about as objective as a rock -- there's always at least two sides to every story and that's what this is for.
04. Wolf Parade, "Dear Sons and Daughters of Hungry Ghosts"
i got a hand/so i got a fist/so i got a plan/it's the best that i can do/and i'll say it's in god's hands/but god doesn't always have the best goddamn plans, does he?
Oh, oh, see, Draco = Wile E. Coyote, he's a man with a plan. Only most of his plans suck. Hello, jet pack.
05. Phantom Planet, "Big Brat"
this time, this time it's tough/well, here i am and now and i think i've had enough/ahh, stand back/stand back/stand back/you big brat
Do I even need to explain this? No, I didn't think so either.
06. Bloc Party, "Helicopter"
just like his dad, just like his dad/(the same mistakes)/some things will never be different
See above.
07. Gorillaz, "Clint Eastwood"
i ain't happy, i'm feeling glad/i got sunshine in a bag/i'm useless but not for long/my future is coming on
This was the entire reason I just had to make this mix. It just... makes so much sense to me. Clearly I am on drugs. YAY DRUGS!
08. The Clash, "I'm Not Down"
so i have lived, that kind of day/when none of your sorrows will go away/go down and down and hit the floor/down and down and down some more/depression/but i know there'll be some way/when i can swing everything back my way/like skyscrapers, rising up/floor by floor, i'm not giving up
See, this was, I thought, perfect for early HBP Draco. Also? I like how it's all, "my problems are SO worse than your problems, you have no idea -- WOE, SOMEONE FAN ME" when you put it up against Draco. It makes me laugh. Oh, rich people, you're so funny.
09. Suede, "Killing of a Flash Boy"
shaking obscene like the killing machines, here we go/it's the same old show/he's a killer, he's a flash boy, oh
Draco has a mission, see?
10. Kasabian, "LSF"
i'm on it, get on it/the troops are on fire/you know i need it, much closer/i'm treading just a little more/step on it, electronic/the troops are on fire/i'm much deeper, a sleeper/messiah for the animals
This would be THAT night.
11. The Faint, "I Disappear"
how could i resist/it's all i've wan/ted now i guess i've got it/why it happened, i don't know/hope this doesn't last forever/i disappear
This would be after THAT thing that happens that time with those people cryptic cryptic.
12. McLusky, "What We've Learned"
he's got nothing left to say because/he put it all up to be on television/including, but not exclusive to/should have known better, and we do
The end. Worship McLusky.
zip file @ mu RESOURCES:
- POA screencaps by
- "X" brushes by
- Fonts used: Tahoma (12pt, bold), Depraved (72pt).
originally posted to
ihatefastcars on 09.08.05.