I loved John Sheppard instantly -- he's funny and laid-back, super smart but doesn't act like he knows everything, he's good at his job and not afraid to do the right thing even if it's going to get him into trouble. Oh... and he's drop dead gorgeous. I mean, what's not to love? He's the perfect man.
This started out as just a playlist for reading fic/pretending that I actually write but it just kept getting bigger and bigger and I thought, you know... fanmix! That was... oh, about halfway through the summer hiatus. heh. I don't know why it took me so long to finish it but, like, hey, better late than never, right? Right. I made it with season one in mind but, really, it's not like it doesn't still apply in season two (and BEYOND! ::cue dramatic music::).
um. All songs are mp3 format. Let me know if there's any issues, including but not limited to my retarded inability to spell even the simplest words correctly. Cool? Cool. I hope you like it. Into the wild, blue famix we go!
it's the terror of knowing/what this world is about/watching some good friends/screaming let me out/pray tomorrow takes me higher/pressure on people/people on streets
John and his military career.
cause it's easy once you know how it's done/you can't stop now/it's already begun/you feel it/running through your bones/and you jerk it out
Let's call this one "character study through song" -- John on life. He's got this laid-back view of things, takes everything in stride and doesn't get worked up unless he needs to, he's not a quitter, and he just... makes things look sort of easy.
got a machinehead, better than the rest/green to red, machinehead/got a machinehead, better than the rest/green to red/i walk from my machine/i walk from my machine
John and flying. Shut up, I know it's a motorcycle song, why aren't you working with me?
tell me can you feel it/feel the city breathing/feel its beating heart/no superstition/just cold ambition/it's time to make a mark/oh
John and the city.
now have i got you watching, for all the gods and monsters/a'sitting, reclining in the back row of your mind/i think that's what you'll find/yes, there are gods and monsters/yes, there are gods and monsters
Our hero meets our villains.
knock me down i'll get right back up again/come back stronger than a powered-up pacman/it don't matter to me/cause all i wanted to be/is a million miles from here/somewhere more familiar/oh my god, i can't believe it/i've never been this far away from home
John and that whole 'in another galaxy' thing. I mean, on the one hand? It's amazing, the chance of a lifetime. On the other hand? Creepy people want to eat you, no telling what you're going to find on your next trip through the gate, no football, no Ferris wheels. It's a hard deal.
i made a vow to carry you home/if you fall sick, if you pass out/i made a vow to rescue you/if you're in trouble, if you flake out
John is the big military dude in Atlantis, it's pretty much his job to keep everybody safe all of the time. This also works with just John and his team -- I have no doubt that he trusts them to have his back but I think he probably holds himself responsible for keeping all four of them, you know, not-dead. <3 responsible!John.
they tried to break us, looks like they'll try again/wild boys never lose it/wild boys never chose this way/wild boys never close your eyes/wild boys always shine
John and his team. (Yes, yes, I know Teyla's a girl. Trust me, with my crush? I've totally noticed.) I blame
carleton97 whose obsession with this song infected me. It's dorky, dorky, fabulous fun.
we came, we conquered/we were outnumbered/one for all we will never fumble/take a tumble, in the rumble/all for one we will never crumble
This one is the Atlantis vs the Pegasus Galaxy track. They came into something that they couldn't ever truly be prepared for and they run into a lot of situations where they are outnumbered and/or outgunned (the Wraith, the Genii, the T-rex from "The Siege I", etc...) but they're not going to give up their city or their mission. It may not be just a John song but it totally applies to him.
and planning for the apocalypse/is not considered/considered cool/i don't suggest it myself/but, no, i won't sweat
John on their impending doom. Also? The title makes me squeal. A whole lot.
too many fingers, too many thumbs/something wicked this way comes/the best time i've ever had/waiting around for something bad/fearless, fearless, ohh/and i know that's why you love me
John may not actually be fearless but he's a leader so he's sort of got no other option but to look like he is -- he has to keep his authority and give everyone else someone to look to when they're about to crap themselves. It's a burden that he carries well. Also? He's Captain Kirk! Ladies (and laddies) love him!
don't let yourself down/and don't let yourself go/your last chance has arrived/best, you've got to be the best/you've got to change the world/and use this chance to be heard/your time is now
I think the lyrics are pretty explanatory -- John going to do whatever he's got to do to keep his people safe.
blood on the rocks/blood on the streets/blood in the sky/blood on the streets/if you want blood/you got it
A nice, big 'fuck you' to the Wraith and, you know, everybody else who wants to kill them. Yay rousing anthems!
zip file @ mu RESOURCES:
- Images from
New-Atlantis and
originally posted to
ihatefastcars on 08.19.05.