Tolkien event today!

Jan 17, 2009 09:32

For any of you on my flist who are into Tolkien or who might just generally be into fandom/writing (slashy or not), I'm going to be doing a somewhat slightly tardy celebration of my birthday with fellow Tolkienites at this all-day event at the Kennedy School/McMenamin's. I probably won't be there for the whole day; RotK remains my least favorite movie, but we'll see. I should be there for movies one and two and, of course, the costume contest! I'll be in my Éowyn gown which I think you've all seen (pic is here). For anyone local who's not met me in person, that's what I look like, though now I have short hair. I'd love to win the contest, but even if not, it should be fun.

I'll be doing some packing after that and doing most of my move tomorrow. No tension here at the house where I am now, thankfully, and I've just arranged for new internet service at the new place, which will kick in on Tuesday. I'll be able to check email and stuff on Monday down at my friends' house, thankfully, because iti's a holiday!! I don't have that much stuff, so unpacking shouldn't be a real trial. I may take Monday to be mostly AFK and to do some serious writing, if possible.

Eeek! It's already 9:40. The first movie starts at 11:00, but I need to type up some stuff, get in costume, and drop off a few things at the new house and make sure the friend going with me is up and awake and whatnot. ;) More later tonight as I report in!

eowyn, tolkien, birthday

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