OOC: Contact Info and Character Info

Jan 01, 2020 14:12

panther3751's contact info:

email: (most reliable if everything else is borked) pantherdragon3751 at hotmail dot com
AIM: supergeek3751
MSN: pantherdragon3751 at hotmal dot com
gtalk: panther3751 at gmail dot com
Skype: please email first, but I wouldn't object
gmail: for large files only, panther3751 at gmail dot com

I'm also on Plurk. If you want to get my attention, an AIM or gtalk message is the best way. (Especially using Google, due to my current phone :D)

Note: All character relations/comments/events this journal made prior to September of 2010 have been forgotten by Zechs. Feel free to have your character remember them, however!

Player permissions/wiki links/other:

Wiki article on Gundam Wing
Wiki Article on Zechs Marquise

Hair: 'Platinum' blond
Eyes: Blue (light)
Build: Muscular, but slender
Height: Tall
Languages: (when applicable) (not canon) mostly fluent in German, English, Russian, and French; functional (battlefield) Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. Had childhood schooling in Latin but has forgotten most of it.

Note: Currently, this takes place BEFORE Endless Waltz, DIRECTLY AFTER GUNDAM WING. Time will be moving forward, though, so I do plan on "playing through" EW's events.
Please IM me if you want more detailed info.

For telepaths: Zechs has no special training and cannot resist your attacks. He is somewhat secretive, however, and his mind has been messed about by the ZERO system. While this did not result in any 'fragmentation' or loss of memories, it does mean that things are going to be a bit scattered in that brain of his. Picture it like a messy desk - the most important files are on top, but there are some things you need that'll be buried underneath a lot of papers.

For omniescents/gods/etc: Knock yourself out. He's an open book to you.

General RP: I'm open to anything for Zechs, literally. Zechs, of course, will react in-character. Just follow the rules (no God-modding) and I'll do the same. You can flirt with him or be rude to him or slap him around or torture him. I really don't care, as long as the RP is fun and interesting. :D

Hackable entries?

Zechs is no n00b at computers, but neither will he have a) access to good hardware for security or b) access to good programs for recreational use while he's on Mars. His skillset doesn't include software programming, so he won't really be able to fix this problem on his own.

Most things (and I'll mark them as such) if they're locked WILL be hackable for this reason, unless his situation changes.

However, some things might have higher security due to possible future involvement with the Preventers. This includes sensitive information that travels between himself and Preventers agents (Une, for example). These are also hackable. However, and I'll stress this, they're only hackable for the very l33t. If your character can hack into governmental systems, then he/she/it can hack into these entries.

If there's anything you think I'm forgetting here, please comment below.

--- the panther

hackable, player information, permissions, character information, ooc

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