IC: Contact Info and Answering Service

Apr 01, 2019 20:14

[The voice is computer-generated and feminine]

You have reached the phone number 1-2-412-289-1687. Your number and name already have been recorded into the phone's log. Please state your reason for calling after the tone. The owner of this inbox will reply to your message as soon as possible. If you had not intended to reach this number, please hang up and try again.

Zechs' phone is capable of text, email, and IM, video, pictures, etc. He can also post onto both LJ and other social networking sites at work, but rarely does so. His phone is on silent, but vibrates; he doesn't want to miss a call which is actually important.

AIM: thricedeadwind

Note: All comments on this entry prior to September of 2010 have been forgotten by Zechs. Feel free to have your character remember them.

chatlog, text log, phone call, ic

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