....How long has it been since I last updated?
A long time, that's for sure! I meant to update like a million times but I never got around to it and then the moment passed and really, it was nothing interesting anyway.
And THEN I got WAAAAY busy.
And it's not huge things, it's like a million little things all at once.
So I will make a list of random things... but first! Audience participation time!
*cue applause*
~I got a new car! And it needs a name!
Suggestions, por favor! (^人^)
~The NEWS NEWS rofl DVD was released today!!!!! And mine shipped the other day! I want it nowwwww!
shirosagi's DVD was delivered okay, so she has to go pick it up from somewhere, but STILL, so mine should be at home toooooo but no one answered the phone when I called!
If it's here I'm going to die of happiness and kill my mom if the meeting takes too long! (see below for that ROFL)
~My mom is making me go to this stupid meeting thing tonight.
It's for some make yourself better retreat thing that she's been on a couple of times (like, they go and climb poles and do trust exercises and stir up all their repressed feelings or whatever), and it works for her and makes her happy, and that's great, I'm glad for her.
But seriously, I have NO interest in it myself, and she's been pushing and pushing at my dad and I to do it.
She KNOWS I don't want to, but she roped me into going to this meeting tonight.
She told me it was all right if I didn't go, but it's one of those things where I KNOW she'd be upset if I didn't. So I told her I'd go though I was careful not to say that I'd be happy about it or in a good mood ROFL if she agreed to NEVER push me into doing one of these retreat things again.
We'll see how long that holds... XD
~My coworker's house is haunted!
I kid you not, it's crazy. Her daughter has a cell phone that doesn't get service, she just uses it for a clock and to record things and stuff. Well, one day a recording popped up from like 2:30 in the morning when everyone was sleeping, and it was of some child begging, "Help me... help me..." The phone cut it off after one minute. O.O So then the other night my coworker's partner took the phone and sat down when everyone else was asleep and started it recording while she asked questions. There was no response from the ghost when she was asking, but when she played it back, there were answers from the ghost.
My coworker's partner asked, "What do you want?" and the ghost said, "Help me," again. So then she asked, "Are you a good spirit?" and the ghost said, "Yes." So she asked, "What is your name?" and the reply was, "Katrina." Then she asked, "Are there others here?" and Katrina said, "Yes." So, naturally, the follow-up was, "How many?" to which Katrina replied, "Twenty-four." So the next question was, "What can we do to help you?" and Katrina said, "Let us free..." And then Katrina said, "Help me..." one more time and the minute was up and the recording ended.
I guess on Friday my two coworkers and I are going to go try to talk to the ghost again... I hope I don't get eaten!
~My classes for this coming semester are a MESS. DD: I got into Japanese but it's saying it's only one credit and the other classes I need are full so I have to try to override and some of the other classes I need to graduate aren't being offered for some reason and there's a prereq that I need for a few classes that I have to take but it won't really fit with my schedule or I could try to override into the 8am class but I can't THINK that early in the morning, ESPECIALLY for Principles of Literary Criticism and so I'm going to risk putting it off for one more semester but then it's gonna be crunch time and going to Japan REALLY threw off my schedule and GAHHHH. *pulls hair out*
~We have a new cat.
His nickname is Ghost, because back in the day he'd come in, eat the food, and then vanish again and he'd always run away from us. But he started getting a little more used to us, and then one day he came in with a golf ball-sized swelling in his cheek! So we waited to see if it'd go down and it didn't so we took him to the vet and they lanced it and we took him home and started caring for him.
He's better from that now and we just had him fixed the other day.
So once he gets better from that we can FINALLY let him out of the room we're keeping him in and into the rest of the house. But he's such a sweet cat!
Wouldn't even know he's a stray. Now we just have to see how Mom's cat Kahli is going to handle a new man suddenly in her territory.
~I feel like killing Kei for talking too fast when I try to translate.
It's like normal speed and then KEISUPERSPEEDSLUREVERYTHINGTOGETHERANDMAKEMYLIFEMISERABLE and then back to normal speed again.
~I have to pack to move but I DON'T HAVE TIME! XP But I'm going to move half of my stuff tomorrow and then half next week... THERE NEEDS TO BE MORE HOURS IN THE DAY.
~The dramas I'm watching are still rocking. I need to watch the new ep of Hana Kimi, though... but when!? XP
~I still have stuff to sell to the gals at TM, but... I don't have time. XD So it's coming, I promise! Because I NEED the money! I caved and bought a Tokidoki bag recently and the bill is coming due as are a million other things... >:-[
~My mom is having a garage sale on Saturday. So not only do I have to work, pack, move, translate, and watch the NEWS DVD, but also somehow try and price things and make signs and put up signs and GAH. LIVID FACE.
Okay, I think that's everything. I will stop whining now. XD