cuteelf14 recently busted my hump for not updating enough, I figured it was high-time I at least post a little info on my life at the moment.
At Home:
Because Pippin had been acting lonely and quieter since the move, we figured we'd go and adopt another cat, not only for his company, but (at least I suspect) for my own well-being as well. We ended up getting a female (no one wanted to deal with male dominance issues), a little under a year old according to the papers they had for her at one of the local SPCAs, and highly adorable. She's pretty tiny, mostly due to her age, but she's been bulking up a bit since we brought her home about mid-October.
She's got this unbelievably slick, sunset-colored coat, with darker orange stripes/blotches all over her, with two little white rings around her tale and the roundest pair of yellow eyes I've ever seen. (Until I can get a picture up, the closest visual reference I have for you is a screen shot of Puss in Boots from Shrek 2, (just a tad bit lighter).
I was originally going to name her Ginny, but during the first couple of days of having her, while I was trying to think up a name, we all got to calling her Little Girl, and since she too got used to it the name stuck.
At Work:
Same old, same old. Secret Santa is getting under way. No idea who's got me, and no idea what to get for the person who I got. Planning on bakign Scottish Shortbread for office staff again, only I hope this time it comes out good, unlike last year when, after dealing with rock hard butter, the wrong kind of sugar, an oven that didn't bake it through all the way, and other wankiness, got frustrated and threw everything on the kitchen floor.
I'm getting frustrated with my meds, since (just like the last prescription I had), everyone seems to be noticing a change but me. And seriously, if I don't feel any better, what good is it? (The only "change" I noticed was that, though I still had the need/want/desire to get a good cry, I could physically no longer produce the tears. And hell, that ain't good.)
I've also "decided" to say 'to hell' with all my doctors, they ain't doing shit for me, I can't afford 'em (in both monetary and time(-off from work) terms), and I've always had ad experiences with them, so why bother.
In Entertainment:
It seems I've seen a lot of movies since my last important update, and I mean a lot. There was:
Saw III (disappointed; not nearly enough gore)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (pleasantly surprised; they've been using the same story forever but I still find it enjoyable)
Flushed Away (LOVED IT; in my opinion, better that Shrek, and not just because it has the best cast of all time (although any movie with Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet, Ian McKellan, Andy Serkis, Bill Nighy(!) has to be good))
The GraveDancers (lamelameLAME; only reason I even saw this was because it was part of After Dark's Horror Fest - Eight Films to Die For. I walk in expecting to be scared shitless, since all the promos on Spike, Fuse, Sci-Fi, etc., claimed these movies were "too graphic/intense for general audiences". Plus, a theatre usher we talked to said that this was one of the better entries. My ass, is all I gotta say. Honestly, I've seen made-for-tv/cable movies that were scarier/more graphic/had more believable sfx than this. On the plus side, my little sister claims she can never watch 'Prisonbreak' again. Huzzah!)
And most recently, Stranger than Fiction (liked it; by no means am I even a semi-fan of Will Ferrell, but I have to say, in this movie he pulls off convincingly enough the ability to act. Add to that an excellent story, Queen Latifah (what can I say, I'm black at heart), Dustin Hoffman, a very tiny cameo for Kristin Chenowith (haha, 'tiny', get it?), and 'Arrested Development's Buster as a nerd who still dreams of going to Space Camp (guilty!), it makes for an enjoyable night out.)
Also, 'Heroes' is damn bitchin' the best new show in like, forever, 'Lost' is on a fucking rampage (at least it was up until a few weeks ago; speaking of which, is it February yet?), I can't even begin to think about what the upcoming season of '24' is gonna do to my brain, (and that's aside from the fact that it's on during the same night, and time-slot as 'Heroes'; what's a nerd to do?), and judging by the last paragraph I have absolutely no social life whatsoever. Big surprise there, right?
And what's an LJ entry without a meme?
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