SG1: Ethon Episode (Spoilery)

Feb 04, 2006 01:01

Okay, seriously, who the heck is 2IC of the SGC? I mean, this episode was like the inmates running the asylum in the beginning. A civilian (no offense, Daniel) authorizes the deactivation of the iris, 2 LTC's decide to take one of only TWO interstellar warships to possible hostile territory and it gets blowed up but good... If crashing your F-16 in training has massive consequences, what's the consequence for that? Jesus. No wonder Hammond never went to Washington.

On another note, some fucknuts outside are blowing a dog whistle, trying to irritate my dog, who's sitting beside me, chowing down, happily ignoring the noise. I, on the otherhand, am about to take up target practice because that whistle is really irritating.

Off to continue pondering the amazing heights of idiocy scaled in this episode of Stargate...

commentary, sg1

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