Alanna watched Coram and Hakim Fahrar ride away, their pack horse trailing behind. Fingering the ember at her throat, she blinked her suddenly watery eyes. Picking up Faithful, she entered her tent and for the first time in four weeks, began to write.
Dear, well, pretty much everyone.
I should apologize for not writing sooner, but all the letters would have been "Today we rode and there was sand. Today we rode and Coram complained about my sanity. Today we rode and Faithful complained that he has more sand then fur." And that wouldn't have been fun for anyone. There are a few very important things I have learned in the past month.
1. My brother is not a cat.
2. Sand is a crafty little bugger.
3. When people call you a demon, your brain shouldn't go to strange places. If someone is calling you a demon, you should be concentrating on blocking their spells, and not cracking up laughing in your head.
4. I have the strangest luck.
5. The cat is smarter than me. (He made me add that.)
6. That random guy you threw a coin to six year ago? Will remember you and then vouch for you when you're in a very, very sticky situation. It helps if you have red hair, purple eyes, a very large horse, and freed his people from a couple of prissy gods. I don't make this stuff up, it just happens to me.
7. That really smart guy you met six years ago? Is the Voice of the Tribes. What's a Voice of the Tribes? Exactly.
In not so happy news, my beloved sword died a rather tragic death at the hands of a crazy hill raider's axe. And then I nearly got killed by a tribe of Bahzir who later accepted me into their tribe once I knocked their star fighter out and refused to kill him. The women sort of hate me because I refuse to wear a viel or be an obedient anything. No, my life does not make sense. Oh, and uh, does anyone have any experience with evil swords? No reason, really.
I miss you guys. (And running water. And cell phones. And refrigerators. And did I mention the running water?) How was John and Aeryn's engagment party? How are the new kids? Anyone do any more damage to the school? Any more future children show up?
Alanna. (And Faithful.)
Note at the of Charlie's letter: I miss you. There's a lot of sand and Coram grumbles a lot. He also keeps asking a lot of questions about you which would frighten me, but he's mostly just talk. I hope. I also hope that you're having a wonderful time, where and whenever you are. Yours, Alanna
Alanna blew on the letters to dry the ink faster, and then let the candle burn them to ash. Universes away, the letters formed on desks and chairs and anywhere else near fire or light sources, but Alanna's candle simply went out. At least the darkness hid the tears running down her face.
You're not alone. Faithful reminded her and he got a tight, wet hug as an answer.
[ooc: So this was supposed to go up a week ago. But then there was the whole "arm in a splint" thing, and yeah. If you think you got a letter from Alanna, you did. The letters suddenly appeared next to any open fire/flame or light source. Feel free to have characters respond in comments. All letters sent to Alanna will end up on her desk back in Chorus, so she's not getting them for a while. But that doesn't mean your characters won't get responses. Wow, long ooc note.]