002 [Action/Accidental Voice]

Jun 30, 2010 23:15

[Zoro spends some time today roaming around Luceti trying to find the barracks (again), so feel free to notice him passing you in town-it's entirely possible he goes by you more than once, even if you've remained stationary >_>-but when he eventually wanders out onto this nice open plain by the river...eh. Good enough. There's space to let loose, ( Read more... )

training, +voice, swords, ♦luffy, stupid noisy spirits, +action, ♦katie, ♦smoker, ♦erza, i'm not lost dammit, ♦sanji, ♦nami, ♦arumat, ♦usopp, ♦katara, ♦brook

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Comments 216

[ action ] sniperkingftw July 1 2010, 06:40:32 UTC
[ Now that he's back out doing stuff again, Usopp finds a great deal of nostalgic amusement in just watching Zoro circle past the item shop again.

And again.

And again.

Third time is the charm, bro. He just so happened to come across a paintball gun a while back and then he, uh. Just so happened to hang on to some of that ammunition. And hell, anything potentially amusing would totally come in handy right now. BRIGHT RED PAINTBALL APPROACHING THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD. Do you sense a disturbance in the force? ]


[ action ] threeswordsoul July 1 2010, 06:45:56 UTC
[What do you take him for, some kind of chump? Of course he senses it! And whirls, slicing that paintball in two with a quick iai sheath/re-sheath, cool as a cucumber, so that it-splatters all over his face.]


[Wiiiiipe. Staaaaaring along the trajectory of that paintball. Staring into the item shop with eyes smeared all around with red. Staring AT YOU.]



[ action ] 1/2 sniperkingftw July 1 2010, 06:51:10 UTC
[ ...he should have used a less angry color. ]


[ action ] sniperkingftw July 1 2010, 06:53:40 UTC
[ BUT MAYBE HE CAN STILL LIVE THROUGH THIS. Accessing bullshit files in 3, 2, 1... ]

Z-Zoro, what happened to your face?!


[Voice] mikangirl July 1 2010, 07:15:33 UTC
[Some of us have nothing better to do than stalk the journals at the moment, Zoro. Your accidental, page-fluttering, dirt-disturbing mad skills are sort of attention getting there.

Well, she won't bother him. Uh. At least until he starts snarling at thin air, anyway. And then she just can't resist. Raising her voice a little to get his attention. |D]

The flies annoying you, Zoro?


[Voice] threeswordsoul July 1 2010, 07:33:47 UTC
[a clear pause, then a sweaty and somewhat scowling face appears in front of the backdrop of blue sky.]

No. What would I care about flies.


[Voice] mikangirl July 1 2010, 07:41:37 UTC
[...heh.] Just wondering who you're talking to. [Though she can make a pretty good guess, really. :|a Given Zoro isn't really one for talking to thin air just because.] I don't think they'll go away if you just yell at them.


[Voice] threeswordsoul July 1 2010, 08:16:07 UTC
Che. It's been working well enough so far. Mostly.

[Except for the ones who get miffed and contrary and talk louder. >:| And for that fact that when he's listening a certain way he can still hear them murmuring muted in the background. But Nami doesn't need to know that.]


Keywords so fitting :|a flicker_flash July 1 2010, 07:32:55 UTC

This is a first. Which in Katie's little world is a rarity, given what she normally sees on any given day, but...she has never seen anyone use three swords before.

Wow. That is totally cool. She wonders if she can do that.

Don't mind her, Zoro. She'll just ...sit up in this tree and watch.]


hahaha threeswordsoul July 1 2010, 07:48:05 UTC
[Completely oblivious to the small admiring girl-child up the tree, here. Which. Is bad, because, uh. Sorry, your tree isn't exactly out of Zoro's range. Despite being, y'know...quite some distance away.

Which means that in the middle of running through a complicated combo, a stray air-strike comes scything straight in your direction. It might miss, it might cut the tree you're perched in in half, it might cut you in half...Dilemma. :|a]


1/3 flicker_flash July 1 2010, 08:20:45 UTC
[Sliced in half, see you in a week I mean uh. >.> Well, her reaction times to that kind of thing are rather ...small-childish, still. Though she will blink at the gust of air that slices past her, hair gusting back at the near miss. Oh. That was rather close--]


flicker_flash July 1 2010, 08:22:06 UTC
[Oh right. That went through the tree branch didn't--

Oh hey, gravity works.



[Voice] oda_hates_me July 1 2010, 09:31:31 UTC
[.... A very quiet, deliberate...


Sanji maybe just wants to see if you can hear it, shithead. How good are your "I'm being mocked by gallant cooks" senses today?]


[Voice] threeswordsoul July 1 2010, 09:38:44 UTC
[His "being poked by dumbass swirl-brows" senses are at full capacity, dumbass swirl-brow. That doesn't mean he has to lower himself to your level and respond.]



You got something to say, cook?


[Voice] oda_hates_me July 1 2010, 09:42:37 UTC
Don't flatter yourself, shithead.

I was just listening to our widdle Zoro-kun making new friends.


[Voice] threeswordsoul July 2 2010, 00:45:54 UTC

Fuck off. They're annoying as hell.


[Voice] skulljokelol July 1 2010, 12:11:38 UTC
I think that speaking to them further encourages them to do just the opposite, Zoro-san.


[Voice] threeswordsoul July 2 2010, 00:49:42 UTC
...What, really? Dammit. All I've been doing is telling 'em to shut up, so far.


[Voice] skulljokelol July 2 2010, 08:15:08 UTC
That constitutes as paying attention to them! If you ignore them, it seems that they eventually lose interest and leave you be for a short while.


[Voice] threeswordsoul July 4 2010, 06:23:26 UTC
[But when people are annoying he needs to yell at them to shut up. 8|]

...Che. I'll try it.


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