May 16, 2008 02:20
My commute is normally pretty easy. Drive to airport, fly an hour, take bus to crashpad or BART to the East Bay. Today's commute home sucked ass. Flight were all overbooked and there were too many revenue standby passengers. I finally got out on the 10:30 pm flight. Good thing is that I finally went to my crashpad.
Commuted to SF the day I had late standby (aka Sydney standy). It's basically sitting at the airport just to cover the Sydney flight and other late night flights incidentally. Looked at the FLTLOF and saw reserves so I was like I'm not going anywhere. 11:15 pm is the last flight of the night which means I get to go when the flight departs. Nattomaki surprised me and offered to pick me up from the airport. ::squee:: Crew Desk calls four minutes later. Now, I've been hankering to go to Sydney for like a year and I was so bummed when they told me I was actually going to go. Not see the boy for 5 days? (I know, right?)
Trip was cool but I'd be okay not doing it again for a long time. 15 hours each way is too long with a cabin full of alcoholics. I enjoyed the layover. Went sightseeing, museum hopping and to the Botanical Gardens. I was fascinated by the bats (they are soo loud) and the ginormous spiders. Ate passionfruit daily and spent a ridiculous amount of money because Sydney is stupid spendy. I thought London was bad. OMG. Their money is ultra pretty though. Was too cold to go to the beach though. Another girl and I were all set to take the ferry to Manly Beach or Bondi.
Was pooped when I got back but it was super nice to have had an international trip--it's been over two months since I've had one and was nice to use all six days up at once. Odd to get home two hours sooner than we left. (we left at 2 pm on May 12th and got to SFO at noon on the 12th.)
Went directly to Nattomaki's and ended up there 3 nights which might have been a day too long. Was supposed to leave on Wednesday but had lunch with the Butcher and ran errands with him all day. Had lunch in the Gourmet Ghetto and stomped around campus looking for the university college station and reminiscing. Was fun, I haven't been on campus in 5-10 years and haven't eaten in the GG since I was in school. His movie was premiering on Wednesday so I had to stay and go. Nattomaki declined to come. I think it was a mix of wanting some alone time and not being comfortable with my being friends with an ex thing.
Mali'o and I went. His parents were there and I said hi. His mom was nice to me. His dad, indifferent. Can't win them all but at least I said hi. He documentary was really good. We enjoyed it--it was funny, educational and had lots of famous people in it. I was really proud of him. It'll be out on DVD in July and apparently BET has been talking to him to direct and produce a section of a series they have. I really hope it works out. Partially, for selfish reasons, I want him to have a place in LA. I liked having him here and I love his dog.
I'm realizing that my instincts are always right, especially when it comes to dating. Nattomaki and I are not in the same place...yet. Am a little nervous since I really like him a lot. He makes me want to be a better person. Not like him- vegetarian, animal rights, works in non-profits, etc. type of way but I kind of want to be a better me. Not like more accomplished and thinner (though that would be lovely) but I keep wondering if I am doing the right things for satisfaction in my own life when I get around him. He doesn't seem to judge my life or lifestyle which is nice too. I dunno, hard to explain. A little weird but nice simultaneously.
Been thinking a lot (bday coming up). Figured out that I'm feeling discontent because I'm not doing the things important to me and allowing my job to become my life. So, I think I will start bidding a schedule that lets me have the same days off a week if possible so I can start going to a yoga class and possibly a dance class again and have a regular night where I see the boy too. Also decided that, unless I had a particularly grueling day/night, no more sleeping in. I'll get up by 9. And writing. Just even writing exercise because, face it, blogging really doesn't exercise my writing muscles. For me, it's navelgazing, talking out loud and keeping up with my friends.
Going to Montreal in June. Excited.