Well, I got a request so here it be.
This is ridiculously simple compared to most tutorials, lol
And just so we're clear, I use PS7
We are going to take this picture:
(courtesy of
and turn it into this:
Step One:
The Base. Make a new file, 100 x 100 pixels large and drag the original picture to the new document. Adjust til it's to your liking. I went with this:
Step Two:
Textures and Bases. Browsing through my folder of bases and textures, I find this:
(I can't recall who made it, but it's credited in my user info, :) )
Drag over to the base of Orihime and set to Linear Dodge. The result is this:
Then we open up this:
(Made by
Go to Image --> Rotate --> Rotate Horizantal and drag it to the icon, setting it on Soft Light
Then we open up this texture:
(Again, credited in the user info)
Drag it to the icon and set it to Soft Light
Still a little too light so we go to Image --> Adjustments --> Brightness/Contrast. Fiddle with the settings til you like. I went with -20 for Brightness and 30 for Contrast. The result:
Add text and voila!
So hopefully this was helpful. If you have any questions or want something cleared up, feel free to ask away.