um .... Bill O'Reilly asks: How the Moon Got There?

Feb 08, 2011 10:24

As I watched this little video I was struck by the man's contemptuous speech. He could have approached the problem with wonder or research; instead, he shows fear and anger. He attacks the correspondent by calling him a 'pinhead' and diverts the conversation away from the original focus. I believe his response is more than simple theatrics/drama churned up to get viewer attention. I believe the emotion is real and that he feels genuine contempt for those who disagree with him. And I think 'contempt' seems to characterizes much fundamentalist thinking.

I wonder why difference causes panic.

I am seeing this weird kind of thinking -- perhaps it is better termed 'not-thinking' all over the place. Some countries were banning mosques from being built. France was freaking out about women choosing muslim dress. The House of Representatives wants to ban all funding going to groups like Planned Parenthood. These people in power think they know how other people should live their lives and they assume they can impose their choices on others. It is as if they assume that any difference is completely unacceptable and somehow personally threatening.

It may be 2011 but it seems to me that as human beings we have not learned from the terrible lessons of the past century at all.
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