Welcome to England...

Sep 28, 2009 07:39

I am officially in the land of the British - meaning: cute boys, Dons in Robes, London Eye, The Queen, Polo ponies, and Tea Biscuits.

That was a rather odd assortment of British things - but it works.

Anyways - survived a 14 hour flight and now am in Heathrow waiting for Robin to get here so we can head to Oxford and get into our house.
Suprisingly - the jet lag hasn't hit me yet. But I know it will by this afternoon. I barely slept on the plane, because I had this rude lady next to me who kept elbowing me in the ribs. Yeah.... how I love plane rides - NOT.

And a man next to me in Costa coffee has just gotten toast. YUMMM>...  I forgot how hungry I was. I need food soon.

Anyways - my internet is going to be really limited until I get settled in Oxford and get set up with my department. Hope all of you in LJ land have a great week!

Expect Oxford pics soon!  :D
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