OX thoughts

Sep 20, 2009 18:42

The closer and closer I get to Ox - the more nervous I become.

I've already survived four years of undergrad. Honestly, I shouldn't be nervous. I'm technically at the top of the proverbial pecking order (and in ways - at the bottom of the academia heap) - but still... shouldn't I be excited instead of worried?

And in other ways - I am feeling old. Fresher's week and all the binge drinking and parties is great if that's what you like. But, I don't. And yes, feeling that old "how will I fit in" pressure is getting annoying. Like usual, I will find my niche amongst the polo playing, equestrian, literary, and politco groups. Or at least - I hope...

And the more I think of extending the olive branch of friendship to a certain person...the more I realize that summer has been about settling and relieving some issues, but not confronting them or getting over them. Oh great....

Oxford - T minus 6 days. This is gonna be insane.
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