(no subject)

May 02, 2008 17:34

Here is the Doctor Millais Culpin/(Probationer) Nurse Ethel Bennett from Casualty 1907 picspam! The first picspam, of Doctor James Walton/(Sister) Nurse Ada Russell, was posted a couple hours ago.

Unlike James/Ada, I still have NO CLUE how this relationship will turn out (er, turned out), so I am in this blissful shippy place XD.

This is Dr. Millais Culpin. He. Is. Awe. Some. Seriously, I wish I lived 100 years ago so I could have married this man. (I'm sure the real Millais Culpin was equally amazing!) Do you recognize him?

He was in North & South! The nervous man with all the kids! (Cap from desert_sky.)


This is Ethel Bennett. She agrees ;).

Ethel is a brand new Probationer (Probationer = Intern?) who was assigned to Dr. Culpin on her first day. She is just a lovely person =). She is very caring with a wonderful sense of humor, she is always doing impressions of people with her friends. I think Millais and Ethel are my favorite characters, even apart from the ship.

This is when I fell in love with Millais. When I was watching I even yelled out "OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS GUY!" Gang members were reaping havoc in the hospital, so he came out and took on the gang members. He had this one guy in a choke hold! I LOVE HIM.


Joking =D!

Later that night an unwell woman living in a bad neighborhood was in labour. No one else wanted to help, but Millais volunteered to go and aid her ♥ ♥ ♥. No screencaps because the whole sequence was ridiculously dark.

There is a large accident and Millais brings Ethel along with him to help.

Millais: Frightened?

Ethel: I'm not supposed to be here.
Millais: You're supposed to be here if I say you are.
Ethel: No I'm not. I'm a Probationer. It says in my standing orders that-
Millais: I don't give a stuff about standing orders.

Millais: Standing orders won't save lives.

Millais: You will.

So they go in and save lives together ♥, but it is all rather dark.

Millais: You alright?

Ethel: I'm... .I don't know. I'm...
Millais: Excited?

Ethel: Is that wrong?

Millais: It's good.

When they are bringing the wounded men into the hospital Ethel is busy being awesome and she bumps into that Absolute Jerk of a Man that I mentioned in the previous picspam. He yells at her, because he fails at life.

Millais notices. =]

Later Millais asks the horrid man to kindly do something for him please and he tells him he's not his nurse, so Millais tells him to suck it.

In chapel the next day Ethel is thinking about the men in the accident. And Millais and her






OMG. ♥

Other Nurse 1: We're nurses now! Can you believe it?
Ethel: Yes, I can believe it. But not forever, not for me.
Other Nurse 2: What do you mean?
Ethel: I want to be a doctor.


Millais: I've been looking for you, there's something I wanted you to have.


Millais: Here.

Millais: Thought you might find it interesting.

OOOOOH MYYYY. He believes that she should be taught more! He is encouraging her to strive to be a doctor! And he didn't even know that she wants to be! *FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIL* OH MY GOSH I LOVE THEM.

Fin. Now I am off to go watch the next hour =D. *here's hoping my Millais/Ethel ship doesn't sink*

tv: casualty 1906-1907, picspam

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