Title: False Fronts (That's the title for now at least)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to 3x14, The Lying Game.
Summary: Danny's tired of pretending.
Disclaimer I would like to own Danny Messer, but these punkasses at CBS keep telling me I can't. Grrrr...
Danny pretends it doesn’t bother him when it does.
He tells himself that life will go on as normal, and that she will be back before he knows it. He makes wisecracks and laughs when he’s supposed to. He busies himself at the crime lab, only going home when Mac looks at him suspiciously and wonders why he is working so late.
Nobody suspects a thing.
But he knows the difference.
Only he knows the quiet of the office, and how he hates spending time there now. He tries to work the field as often as he can just so he can avoid seeing how empty it is and how much he misses seeing her across from him. Even the smell that is uniquely hers is slowly disappearing from their shared space.
He reminds himself that the card tells him more than she can ever say in person. He smiles when he receives it, knowing that it is so like her to do this in a card, to keep it as normal as possible even though she’s probably scared out of her wits to head back home. But something is telling him that it is all wrong.
She shouldn’t be alone.
She doesn’t want to be alone.
She just doesn’t know how to ask. Or she’s too afraid to.
Feelings rage powerfully in him even as he tries to suppress it. Finally, it gets to the point where he no longer wants to smile anymore, and it bothers him to think about her in Bozeman facing the murderer or the mothers alone.
Before he knows it, he’s in Mac’s office with a duffel bag in his hand. He has some personal issues to deal with, Danny explains. He needs some time off and will be back as soon as he can.
Mac only smiles and tells him to bring her back.
Afterall, Danny’s not the only one tired of pretending.