Apr 19, 2005 22:32
oooooo~ today was good. :)
I was late, but i don't care; That paper I was supposed to do isn't due till next week, I think, so I'm good for now. :)
After school Ally found me and Andrew and Marcela, and we wandered to the library, then found Jesus and Kyle and Emi and Payne, and all of us went to sit to what is now known as the "suicide corner", and talked about loads of randomness. Payne called B&N on Kyle's phone, asking for Love Love Katari, which is some nonexistent manga that Drew created, I suppose. The reaction was kinda funny; Payne busted out laughing in the midst of "shumi shumi sbfkldfjhldsf" o_o;;
After everyone left Ally was all "let's go to Whataburger" so we did... man.. the double burgers weigh a fucking ton ;_; Then we sat at the Twistee Treat and talked for what seemed like forever :D And after our rather enlightening conversation, a whole lot of stuff made loads of sense :)
When I got home I pestered my mom for a while, and played with the cat. I thought about playing DDR, but I was too damn lazy @_@; oh well. :B
One question: You know the windows where your journal entry text appears? Does anyone know how to make them transparent? :o The next journal scheme I have calls for it. :)