Today was good :D I went to work with my mom, got my dress altered, got in touch with
spo_mo again, and then went to play DDR at Ally's house! :D
After flailing ourselves out, we watched 13 Going On 30, which I have to say, is a really cute movie. :) Then David threw a shitfit via internet and I just spent the last couple of hours discussing it with Ally and a near-yelling contest over the internet with David. :x Agh. I'm not worried about it though; it happens every once in a while among us and it hadn't happened in a long time, so I should have been expecting it. @_@
And now I present to you, quotes. :)
somekindofzato: anway krys was like
somekindofzato: ":C <==========8"
somekindofzato: and i was like
somekindofzato: sorry i dont want the ascii rendition of what you did to chip
somekindofzato: and sh ewas like
somekindofzato: ":*("
somekindofzato: i think she died a lil inside
somekindofzato: id like to presentt o you a performance piece, i call it angst, clearly one of the best works of this century
somekindofzato: krys :O C====8 <- chip
somekindofzato: the end
Athena Asamiya: gj
Athena Asamiya: loser of the year award is presented to richard
somekindofzato: yeah but atleast i didnt suck off chip
somekindofzato: it was so good i made a sequel
somekindofzato: i'd like to give u a sneak preview to my next feature, called angst 2: the calling, sequel to the best selling "angst", enjoy
somekindofzato: krys :*( ~~~ C====8 <- chip (not a tear)
somekindofzato: the end
yeah so what, i'm amused by retardedness. :)