Dec 22, 2004 00:09
In New Hampshire, and it's -5 outside right now. Snow and long icicles and clear diamond skies. Very old farmhouse full of biazzare treasures.
Wheee. Already saw one of the kids from the gym I was hoping to see at the cafe. Her parents asked me to spend an afternoon with her last summer as I was moving out because she was so upset I was leaving (5-year old girl, Lucy). In thanks, the dad (who owns a moving company) loaded up my car with moving boxes and packing supplies and gave me gas money. Wow.
People are so good here. I mean, they're still people, and humans are what they are, but still, wow. They keep track of each other- people at the gas station will actually engage you in real conversation. The guy at the deli will remember what you ordered last time and learn what things you like. People ALWAYS stop for pedestrians. Crazy. Lots of politeness.
I feel like more of an adult here. Taking care of things- the cooking, the fire, looking out for my grandparents. I feel like part of really being mature is going past the point where you are taking care of yourself and over into looking after other people, putting them before you. Doing one or the other, not so much- martyred selflessness without self care, no. Selfishness, or mainly self interest, no. i think this place brings out the helpfulness in me.
I brought in the christmas tree from the snow, sawed it, set it up, brought up a couple stacks of wood from the cellar, helped fix things- lights, computer (yes, really), helped them run errands, co-made dinner and desert, blanched almonds for marzipan and started getting the fruitcake stuff ready.
I really, really enjoy these simple things. Doing them well.
Beautiful here. Really need to start posting pictures. :)
Hope I can go visit people in the cafe tomarrow. They did another year of "Plymouth, a Model Town" calender. Naked people that everyone knows from the town, posing with the things they are most associated with covering stratigic areas. Fundraiser to support Main Street.
One of my favorite mid-sixties or so couples who hangs out at the cafe are on the cover posing with newspares. Man! That woman has a killer body! Insane. Shows you what hiking and skiing will do for you! She's great- liberal, playful, artsy librian. :) Will get a copy :)