o4; [ video ] | failed filter from bleach bad guys

Sep 14, 2009 12:44

I-- I know I couldn't do much to help, but I want to. All of these injured people-- And my friends too...

I'm going to go to the hospital, and help with healing!! Tatsuki-chan-- please help me as well. There are so many people who need assistance, and we can't just sit around like this!

Before that place blew up... was everyone able to get out? It's too cruel... to trap them all and then not give them a way out... So please! I'll do my best, just let me know how I can!!

[ End video feed. ]

Private | Off-Network | ThoughtsIs this what they call a curse? It felt like one... all those people being captured like that...

Why was it necessary at all? To make them all sad, so this City could feed off them?

If anything had happened to Kurosaki-kun... what could I have done? Kuchiki-san is a better fighter, and much stronger, but I'd just get in the way, wouldn't I?

At least... at least I can try now! I have to. I can't give up on those around me!

What's going to happen..? People were released, but if they were jailed in the first place and now there's no jail at all...!

I have a bad feeling...

U-Um! I'm going to have my communicator with me, so if I don't mess up on how to answer anyone needs help, please tell me!

[ooc; Hime for healing help! She's pretty powerful where it comes to that, able to 'reject' events and restore bodies to a healed state. Off she goes to the lovely land of owie-hurty-healytimes! ]

no more halcyon days, friends need me nao, help me shun shun rikka, healy times

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