Mar 05, 2007 15:48
For all that humans are given the freedom of choice by God, why are our lives still so restricted? Repression, oppression, suffering in silence. Why do we not exercise our god given rights? Why do we keep binding ourselves with rules and laws and taboos? Is it that no matter how much freedom we are given, in the end we are all nothing but puppets that cannot function without fixed limitations?
Every choice we make - Should I get up today? What should I wear? Should I go with mayonaise or Thousand Island on my salad? - every tiny split second decision, however unconscious they may be are a luxury we take for granted.
So ignore all the limitations that are imposed upon yourself and stand up. Take hold of this gift we are given and utilize it to the fullest. Just be wary. For every decision you make, there are consequences. Be certain you can handle it, before you cast the dice.