May 02, 2009 23:15
After sweating and swearing a lot I finally received my 1099 from the Social Security Administration. With it came a handy little worksheet that, once completed, said I didn't have to file my taxes this year. It's a good thing, too, because if I filed them now they'd be two weeks too late.
Mom's birthday was yesterday. Yet again she was all cheery via text messages and I just left it at that. When I called my brother tonight he said he and my father were over at mom's playing Yahtzee. Part of me wishes I could have been there, for some quality family time, but alas this is the path I've chosen and in all likelihood I wouldn't have been invited anyway.
I'm going back to Chicagoland in a week for my doctor's appointment. I'd like to pick up some of my stuff then, too, but I'm afraid my mom will pull another stunt like last time and I'll wind up with nothing good. I've thought about touching base with her ahead of time but there's also been the idea that if I surprise her maybe the result will be different. If nothing else waiting until we're actually there won't disturb any expectations. If something happens, great, but if not I'm still here, alive and kicking as it were.