Apr 29, 2012 00:53

Well today has been a shitty day. And with every shitty day comes the urge to ramble on and on to yourself. I mean, how else are you gonna feel less shitty about yourself and your situation? Am I right?

Sometimes I think my parents have their definition of an ideal child in their minds, which evidently I or my siblings are not. Obviously. If everyone got what they ideally thought they could get, then the world wouldn't be as screwed up as it is right? Right. So, therefore, that means that every time my siblings and I remind them of how not ideal we are, they get mad. Which leaves my siblings and I pissed off and bewildered. Okay, not exactly bewildered, of course we have a part to play in annoying them in the first place. It's still upsetting that they expect me to behave in a way that I sometimes don't agree with. And it's maddening that it upsets me because legally speaking, I'm a grown ass adult who is supposed to have a mind of her own.

I guess someway or another, there will always be a part of you that HAS to get your parent's approval, no matter how old you are. Which, I guess, is human nature? Who knows. All I know is, right now, that feeling sucks.

Also, on a completely different note, I've graduated from University. Not officially because I still have to attend a graduation ceremony where they will hand me a empty envelope telling me to pick up the damn cert myself. But, in terms of waking up every morning with the dread of going to school, that's done. For now. Now that feeling will just be the dread of going to work every morning. Which I'm sure is ten times worse.

Whoopdedoo. I'm a freaking ray of sunshine. 
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