
Jul 17, 2010 22:25

Re: this.

Can't say it came as a complete surprise to me - I was there when Kame mentioned "新しいKAT-TUN” after all. I guess that was the primer for me. >_>

One of the things I learnt from my recent overseas trip is that despite how horrid/ infuriating things may seem at that moment, they will eventually turn into memories to be looked back upon with - varying measures of - fondness.

And I still like what Kameless wrote back then in March when the first wave hit:
“所以至于赤西仁,洒脱地爱也好恨也好,谅解也好责怪也好。也都是,喜欢上或者喜欢过这个人所留给我们的记忆。” (love or hate, understand or blame him: whatever it is, it's all because you like or have liked the memories this person has given you) aka that's why you actually give a damn.

I won't forget those precious memories. :)


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