this is a 3 weeks late, disjointed flail!post about the June 25th concert (well, mostly...)

Jul 15, 2010 21:06

Before the concert!

- We headed for the Kaiyukan in the morning, since Intex Osaka was like, 2 stops away and the concert was in the evening.......................... I totally sneezed my way through the multi-storied aquarium >_<" this is what you get for forgetting to pack your sweater and freezing for a night in Taipei's transit lounge...

- This made me feel so much better though ♥ Mochi potato cheese okonomiyaki!!11

(yea, i only thought of taking a photo halfway through it)
- Randomly, this was spotted on a drinks vending machine. Samurai!kame XD

- FINALLY! And thank god my cold cleared up by the time we got to Intex <- Panadol Actifast, ILUSM

 Concert notes!
- The concert started on time, and ended at 9:05PM. 2 encores :)

- The stage decoration looked like an odd mess of wires...halfway through the concert i realised these were meant to be pipes they time-slip through (i haven't been keeping up with the concert reports to avoid spoilers :P) also, i thought the theme of the arena tour was chess...or maybe that was just an uwasa. idek.

- I got admitted in pretty early for my block so I had better choices of where to stand (2nd row from the front of my block) :D

- There was a stand for spotlights and speakers mounted on the wall near where I was, so the moving carts had to maneuver their way past it every time. Of course, this meant they moved much closer to our block; the boys were less than 2 metres away each time. 8DDD

- All of them passed by at least 4 times on their moving carts; meh they all looked even better than they did onscreen *______*

+ The first time he came over he had the "I AM SMOKING HOT AND I KNOW YOU THINK SO TOO" expression on his face. ♥ I was half *_*!!! at the general gorgeousness and the other half of me really felt like giggling at his expression but...I didn't want to be mauled by fangirls.

+ The other times he passed by he was moving around a lot and working the audience, but that also meant i got to see less of his face, but still enough to observe that -- his face is a little thinner than it looks on-screen, and small! Also he is so very fair omg. As nez would say (of hyde, but the same applies to kame), you shine a spotlight on him and he shines back. XDD Plus, his hair was perfect ALL THE TIME. oh the unfairness of the world.

+ He was so so enthusiastic! I loved how he tried to make eye contact and interact with the audience every time he passed by <3 it felt like he was looking at and really taking in the entire audience. And like what Maya Miki(? i can't remember who exactly) had commented before, he has a warm smile.

+ I was surprised at how much better-looking he is in person (yeah, i never found him physically attractive after the Real Face/Signal era)...but i guess it was also because he finally shaved that dodgy mustache that made him look ten years older.

+ Cannot help but think OHIMESAMA. He always had one leg propped up on the side of the cart; it totally looked like he was lounging around as his minions carted him around his kingdom!

+ I think we were lucky cause he was in such a good mood for the June 25th concert. He was constantly smiling and had a soft look in his eyes when he looked down at the audience from his cart. ♥ (his expression kinda reminded me of how most people look like when they look at puppies/kittens... XD)

+ For the encore he came out with fountain hair afdksghjhs so adorable.

+ Still ever so AWKWARD (i personally term it 'koalaface' ♥) you'd have thought after all these years, he would've gotten used to girls screaming his name... He waved at the audience a lot too (like Junno), only that one was all grins and the other was...slightly awkwardface.

+ i don't think he styled his hair at all; his fringe was all floppy but CUTE.

- Kame fanserviced with Maru (idk, if there was any kokame i must've missed it :P). once he tried to burrow into Maru's chest and Maru looked sooooo awkward. And gosh, the dentist skit was so much fanservice - more of that in a while!

- I think Ueda did the burrow-into-chest thing with Maru too. Maru's life, so hard. 8D

- Kame had a bit of a guitar solo before he introduced Koki's solo. ROCKSTAR KAME *_* he continued playing during Koki's solo, with the guitarist from FiVE.

- I don't know what Koki performed in the previous lives, but it was probably not 'PIERROT' cause the audience went !!!!!! when the intro music came in. I admit, when he said that line from Hissatsu Shigotonin we all kya-ed. 皆ドM、本当に。

- Maru's solo after Koki's; his was a medley of his solo songs. Junno's solo came up next; omg he had colourful lights and even the lyrics were in rainbow-coloured font.

- Can't remember if 'RESCUE' came before or after the MC. I do remember feeling the heat from the fireballs though. The main stage wasn't exactly near so that was a little scary!

- Yamanotesen game: They were all dressed up as tengus; Junno, Kame and Ueda were bouncing on the trampolines - you wonder where they get the energy.

- Speaking of Ueda, I lovelovelove his general craziness. He lost at the balloon yamanotesen game but because it wasn't certain if the balloon actually burst on him or koki (it seemed like it burst on koki), so Kame had the concert staff replay the segment in slow-mo. Turned out it was Ueda who kinda flung the gas pipe at Koki just as the balloon burst. XD They got the audience to decide who actually lost, and it was a very loud HAI for Ueda.

- Ueda fake-pouted and said that he hated this game, and added that he hated the audience too. XDDD You know, just like kids who say stuff like "I don't want to be friends with you anymore" in petty retaliation.

- Of course, we were like "EHHHHH" and Ueda looked so satisfied, that ドS. ♥ And Koki went, "but i love you all". HAHA.

- MC: Maru is such a SOCCER FREAK. He just couldn't stop talking about the World Cup LOL. Kame complained that Maru called him up really early one morning to talk about soccer, and he was like all "...why so early. isn't it like 8AM or something =_=". i think it might have been before the match even started.

- Ueda and Koki chipped in to say they don't exactly enjoy watching soccer...their hints flew past a very oblivious Maru...

- Koki noted that we weren't too enthusiastic about Maru's soccer talk, and wondered if they should change the topic to cosmetics instead. Or nail polish. And then he mentioned OPI. I'M SURPRISED KAME DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY HERE ABOUT COSME OR NAIL POLISH.

- And right after, Maru started talking about soccer. AGAIN. You could see the others going ORZ. Maru, you KY soccer otaku.

- Junno was 'unloved', as usual. The rest talked about leaving him out of some gathering. lmao.

- They got the Kansai Juniors to come out and talk for a bit, and there was this really cute one from Kyoto? (i think he's the one everyone calls Little Ryo cause he looks a little like Nishikido; though I think he's taller than the latter) okay maybe not. i stared at their pictures for a while but i cannot recall which one he is. juniornamingfail.

anyway! Cute Junior boy mentioned that he went to karaoke recently and scored no. 1 for some song. So he tried to sing a KAT-TUN song ('Never Again') and ended up in second last place (499 out of 500). Only that he said '999', we all went EH?? but he totally thought we were surprised at his low score. Koki finally pointed out his mistake and lol his face when Junior boy finally realised the blunder. I like that junior <3

- BTW, when the juniors were talking, Kame was sitting in the pipe-slide thing very primly. Hands on knees, posture straight. He looked just like a little attentive schoolboy during class. XD

- Kame mentioned that Johnny comes up with band names impromptu; QUESTION? was going to perform backup on Music Station and the staff asked him for a name to introduce the band and dear Johnny-san was all "ah what to do what to do. ah! question! it sounds cool :D"

- Kame said Osaka felt like home, and the small venue reminded him of pre-debut days. Ueda agreed, and added that he visited Osaka (or Kyoto?) privately not long ago.

- Ueda's solo 'RABBIT OR WOLF' - the animated sketches were really cute (and a little morbid). He spun around and swung the red mic stand really fast during the interval; i couldn't help but wonder what would happen if his grip accidentally slipped. Nothing happened, of course~

- Kame's 'LOST MY WAY'. know. Just like in fancams, lots of hair caressing and as usual he straddled his prey. I did manage not to LOL, unlike what happened when I watched his SC performance on my laptop. The LMW dance is...just not one of my favs. XD

- The dentist skit with Maru was LMAO. Kame spoke entirely in Kansai-ben (or almost entirely), and he kept flirting with Maru who - as usual - looked really awkward at Kame's blatant come-ons. 正直Maru!face throughout. I don't think Maru spoke much. XD

- Kame whispered in Maru's ear twice, only that it wasn't actually whispering per say cause he had the mic to his mouth and we totally heard him... he kept telling Maru he liked him a lot and came (to the clinic) only to see him and not other dentists.

- And I don't know if I misheard this, but at one point Kame leaned against one of the pipes/slides on stage and asked Maru, "which part of me do you like?" >D

- Near the finale, Kame commented that the arena was so small that they could get real close to the fans, and got the cameraman to pass him a camera so he could show us what the arena looked like to them from the main stage. THE PLACE WAS SO PACKED.

- At the very end they held hands or hooked pinkys and bowed........all with the exception of Maru who curtsied instead.

- Ending text:
Kame's had the words "happy happy" (maybe there were 3 'happy's) in English.

Ueda apologised for not being "sunao", and wrote either "yoroshiku" or "kudasai" in kiddy language (...kudapai?..yoroshipi..? memory fails)

- And randomly, I cannot remember which song, but Kame did the obscene sucking middle finger thing. Of course, the hall went crazy. XD

- They did quite a lot of songs for the encores - 'peacefuldays', 'smile', 'bokura no machi de', 'going'. I was hoping they would do 'N.M.P', that being the only song I loved out of the new album. They did 'going' instead. Oh well, i guess the lyrics fit the whole 'going out of japan' tour more...

- Koki helped us out in chanting for encore (he was backstage, and spoke through the mic). It was those little things he did that changed my impression of him for the better after attending this live. :)

i remembered this after watching the BTR dvd - Koki likes to scream at the audience ("ARE YOU EXCITED!") and then get the audience to sit down before the MC. Since this was a standing concert, he was like, "jya, please don't sit".


I was calmer than I thought I would be throughout the concert, given that 1) this was only the second concert I've ever been to so far (first one being MOUSEPEACE), 2) I saw them up close for the first time ever. Then again I hardly fangirl!shriek normally anyway..

I was a little surprised at how very *orderly* it was; i was expecting some crazy jostling when the boys came over in the carts, but it was all okay. Or maybe I was just lucky and ended up amongst peaceful fangirls - there were at least four girls who moved past our block to get to the washroom/exit; they all looked kinda sick (clutching at their heads etc). won't be surprised if they got whacked by errant penlights or something =\

I had a lady in her late forties behind me, she was so quiet! And there was a mom with her kid next to me; it was really weird hearing the kid kya when Kame was being all vampy at Maru...

Someone at the end of A5 (block in front of mine) brought a teddy bear dressed up as a vampire, complete with Yamanade pinhole shades. TOO CUTE! I wish I had a picture of that.

I kinda understand why Jin is so obsessed with getting fans to put down their penlights/uchiwas and just move to the beat. Some of the fangirls near me, at least, hardly even bob to the music (and you gotta admit KAT-TUN songs are generally catchy and well, headbob-able?). It's normally just their hands holding the penlights that moved...Though maybe, that had something to do with the general lack of space since it's a standing concert? IDK.

I didn't like what they said to wrap up the concert... Kame, must you really use the adjective "新しい"? >.>

怎么说呢… 还是觉得美中不足? Though, it was probably as good as it could've been, for now.

This isn't exactly related to the concert, but my dorm mate at J-Hoppers was ALSO attending the KAT-TUN cons, albeit the June 27th ones. It was interesting, randomly meeting another fan just like that. XD

for memory's sake, kat-tun, japan: holiday

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