Sorry for the delay; non-functioning internet for most of the day prevented me from getting these posted. Below are the prompts. Please submit your drabble as a reply to this entry.
REMEMBER: For this round, your drabble must fit into one comment and one comment only. Submissions that spill over into either another comment or a fic/personal
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1. She spends it with her best friend.
2. She's in love with her best friend.
3. No one's parents or relatives die. Although, Jack would probably be enjoying himself even more if his mother had.
4. Valentine's Day falls on a weekend again, so they're able to spend the entire day together with no work interruptions or crazy people to deal with. Specifically, they spend nearly the entire day together in Jack's bed making love.
5. Sex is no longer a chore, something she has to do. Now, it’s actually one of her favorite activities. This dramatic turn around was made possible because ( ... )
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