Sorry for the delay; non-functioning internet for most of the day prevented me from getting these posted. Below are the prompts. Please submit your drabble as a reply to this entry.
REMEMBER: For this round, your drabble must fit into one comment and one comment only. Submissions that spill over into either another comment or a fic/personal journal will be rejected.
If you are new to the community or are just needing a refresher on how to post/respond to drabbles, please visit
this post first. And remember - HAVE FUN!
Jack/Liz - after tonight
Jack/Liz - art museum
Jack/Liz - artifical insemination
Jack/Liz - anger management
Jack/Liz - backseat
Jack/Liz - bacon
Jack/Liz - bad idea
Jack/Liz - be mine
Jack/Liz - bear hug
Jack/Liz - bikini
Jack/Liz - bitten
Jack/Liz - black lace
Jack/Liz - BlackBerry
Jack/Liz - bow tie
Jack/Liz - bra lady
Jack/Liz - breakfast
Jack/Liz - bubblegum tongue
Jack/Liz - buffet
Jack/Liz - burning skin
Jack/Liz - business trip
Jack/Liz - candlelit dinner
Jack/Liz - carriage ride
Jack/Liz - catastrophe
Jack/Liz - celebratory hug
Jack/Liz - cheek kiss
Jack/Liz - chicken pox
Jack/Liz - chocolate curls
Jack/Liz - Chili's
Jack/Liz - Conan
Jack/Liz - Coney Island
Jack/Liz - cool whip
Jack/Liz - cottage cheese
Jack/Liz - cow tipping
Jack/Liz - crazy beautiful
Jack/Liz - crazy stalker
Jack/Liz - dark eyes
Jack/Liz - date
Jack/Liz - Disney World
Jack/Liz - driving lessons
Jack/Liz - drunken marriage
Jack/Liz - endearment terms
Jack/Liz - ethernet cord
Jack/Liz - feeling this
Jack/Liz - ferris wheel
Jack/Liz - first kiss
Jack/Liz - fluent Spanish
Jack/Liz - food pyramid
Jack/Liz - football
Jack/Liz - forehead kiss
Jack/Liz - fortune cookie
Jack/Liz - front page
Jack/Liz - funny business
Jack/Liz - gloves
Jack/Liz - golf round
Jack/Liz - great bra
Jack/Liz - Groundhog Day
Jack/Liz - hallway dancing
Jack/Liz - handcuffs
Jack/Liz - heavy breathing
Jack/Liz - high heels
Jack/Liz - hip tattoo
Jack/Liz - home movies
Jack/Liz - I'm yours
Jack/Liz - inappropriate relationship
Jack/Liz - island lover
Jack/Liz - jello shots
Jack/Liz - Jenna's movie
Jack/Liz - Jessica Simpson
Jack/Liz - Las Vegas
Jack/Liz - last shot
Jack/Liz - Legos
Jack/Liz - Letterman
Jack/Liz - light rain
Jack/Liz - limo ride
Jack/Liz - lingerie
Jack/Liz - long engagement
Jack/Liz - love poem
Jack/Liz - lovestoned
Jack/Liz - matchmaker
Jack/Liz - mean girl
Jack/Liz - meeting Obama
Jack/Liz - Merry Christmas
Jack/Liz - morning after
Jack/Liz - muffins
Jack/Liz - musicals
Jack/Liz - nailin' paylin
Jack/Liz - nap time
Jack/Liz - nicknames
Jack/Liz - office wife
Jack/Liz - only one
Jack/Liz - orange juice
Jack/Liz - overrated
Jack/Liz - pancakes
Jack/Liz - Paris
Jack/Liz - peanut butter
Jack/Liz - peppermint scent
Jack/Liz - photo album
Jack/Liz - photoshoot
Jack/Liz - piano
Jack/Liz - pictionary
Jack/Liz - please don't
Jack/Liz - poker face
Jack/Liz - power outage
Jack/Liz - private jet
Jack/Liz - psychobabble
Jack/Liz - punching Gavin
Jack/Liz - purple
Jack/Liz - reunited
Jack/Liz - road trip
Jack/Liz - Saturday night
Jack/Liz - say yes
Jack/Liz - Scotch
Jack/Liz - sexual frustration
Jack/Liz - sexual harassment
Jack/Liz - sit still
Jack/Liz - Six Sigma
Jack/Liz - sleeping in
Jack/Liz - snowstorm
Jack/Liz - sour candy
Jack/Liz - spiked hair
Jack/Liz - stress relief
Jack/Liz - strip poker
Jack/Liz - sunburn
Jack/Liz - sunglasses
Jack/Liz - sunset
Jack/Liz - Super Bowl
Jack/Liz - swear jar
Jack/Liz - sweater
Jack/Liz - texting
Jack/Liz - the beginning
Jack/Liz - their song
Jack/Liz - tie
Jack/Liz - tissue
Jack/Liz - trading heartbeats
Jack/Liz - turtle
Jack/Liz - Valentine's Day
Jack/Liz - water balloon
Jack/Liz - Weather Channel
Jack/Liz - wedding
Jack/Liz - why not?
Jack/Liz - year twelve
Jack/Liz - yellow socks
Jack/Liz - yoga mat
Jack/Liz - you're special