Alright you mopey shit, listen up.

Dec 20, 2011 00:52

Yeah, you!

What's the use of lying around and whinging, huh? Yeah, so your mates ditched you a second time. Yeah, it's horrible and depressing and all that rot. But you have to admit they were a bit off, so chalk it up to one of those incredibly fucked up situations that just happens here. It wasn't down to you so stop beating yourself up cos I know you LOVE doing that, but it's not about you, yeah? Mope about it, go off the deep end if you must, but then pick your robot self back up and move the fuck on. Cos let me tell you mate, if you're stuck thinking about all the terrible shit that's happened and the people who aren't here, you're going to miss out on a whole lot.

Cos this island's not all bad, is it? Of course it isn't. If it was all bad, we'd've all killed each other long ago. But we haven't! For some cocked up reason, a part of everyone actually likes it here! Yeah, we're trapped. Yeah, we get forcefed complete bullshit about our lives. Yeah, there's not nearly enough beautiful women to go around. But so what? Everyone's got something that'll keep 'em here, and don't even try to pretend you don't. Even if you hate every bloody person on the island, I'm sure there's at least one you'd stick around for.

And I know what you're going to ask. So why do people leave then? Fuck if I know. Frankly I don't think there's any rhyme or reason to why they go, because there's a-list people who left too soon and then there's miserable cocksuckers who should've gone long ago but are still here. So you can't let it get to you. Don't let the island get in your head and do shit to you. Say FUCK YOU! and turn it right back around. Mahatma Gandhi said that the best revenge is a life well-lived, and to be fair he was a celibate, wrinkly old fuck, but he was probably at least half right.

So everyone, but especially you, needs to chin up and get a little revenge. If you let this knock you down and ruin you, New Moore wins. But if you don't let it ruin you and turn you into a sad, boring shit, you win. And we all want to win, don't we? Isn't that what it's all about?

Who's with me?

victor mancha, daria morgendorffer, mochizuki ryoji, artemis crock, luki, belgium, nathan young

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